readergirlz is a literacy and social media project for teens, awarded the National Book Foundation's Innovations in Reading Prize. The rgz blog serves as a depot for news and YA reviews from industry professionals and teens. As volunteers return full force to their own YA writing, the organization continues to hold one initiative a year to impact teen literacy. All are welcome to "like" us on Facebook!
Here's a big danke to the awesome Mary E. Pearson for joining us at readergirlz this month! Things we learned about Mary during our LIVE chat include:
1. She'd like to write a screenplay one day, but she didn't write one for The Adoration of Jenna Fox--Dana Stevens is writing that one! 2. Mary's favorite writing spot is outdoors. 3. She's working on two books right now (HOORAY!).
We had so much fun with all our new formats this month! Thanks for being adventurous, Mary!
PS-Breaking News: Mary's next book, coming in September, is titled THE MILES BETWEEN. Mary says, "It is about Destiny Faraday and three classmates who take off on an unauthorized road trip in search of one fair day. They all have secrets but Destiny's secret is one that she fears will bring the whole day to a horrible end. It is a larger than life type of story about chance and coincidence and how it weaves unexectedly into our lives. It is a VERY different story from JENNA!"
It's our closing post with Mary E. Pearson, everyone! *sob* It's been such a fantastic month of discussion about The Adoration of Jenna Fox. I've pasted all the links below that we've accumulated in the sidebar. Feel free to revisit them!
Thanks to Mary for her patience as we relocated our discussions and rgz LIVE! this month. Feedback from rgz is that everyone is so happy our interactions are open to all now!
Drop your own thanks and fangirl love to Mary in the comments. Mary, know you are always welcome to hang with rgz! We heart you! Thanks again for all your time. Best to you in your writing!
Dear readergirlz, the time has come for the third week of five weeks of contests!
Here's the deal: each week from now until Support Teen Literature Day on April 16th, we'll be awarding *a package of books* to one winner. To enter, you just comment on our blog posts (comments on older posts count - a point for each comment!) and get an extra ten points for taking up the week's challenge. Get ten more any time by becoming one of our blog followers!
Report your post in the comments with the URL where you fulfilled the week's challenge (and get eleven points!). We'll keep track of the comments and urls and award the winners each week. Books! Prizes! And you'll be supporting teen lit and hospitalized teens across the country.
This week's challenge: Post the Rock the Drop Bug on your blog. Spread the word about Operation TBD!
Jennifer R. Hubbard has organized the Library-Loving Challenge, inspiring bloggers and readers to raise funds for their local libraries, bookmobiles, and book-related organizations. Participating bloggers have pledged to donate X number of dollars or cents per comment on their challenge posts.
This is such a fantastic idea. I am only sorry that I didn't learn of it sooner, or I would have joined. I also wish I had posted about it yesterday, when I first learned of it, because the participating blogs have varying deadlines and most of them are this weekend or sometime next week. Quickly now -- Go post at their blogs and support their noble causes before their deadlines pass!
I further challenge you to visit your local library this weekend, whether you regularly do so or haven't for a while, and ask if they accept donations. Donations need not be monetary - they may need volunteers and you can donate your time on a regular or random basis, and/or you may be able to donate books to the stacks or to their book sale!
This Week's Picks If I Stay by Gayle Forman (coming out April 2nd) The Miles Between by Mary E. Pearson (coming out in September) The Kingdom of Strange by Shula Klinger Prom Queen Geeks by Laura Preble
For Your Younger Sister Somebunny Loves You by Joan Holub
The rgz Street Team is a group of teens who bring YA reviews to our blog, led by Postergirl Miss Erin. Find out more.
Today, Miss Erin reviews Let it Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle:
Let it Snow is a collection of three novellas, all taking place somewhere around the time of Christmas (Eve, day of, day after...). Each story is a romantic dramedy set in a little town in North Carolina. Characters from one story make cameos throughout the other stories, which provides a nice sense of interlacing and connection.
I wanted to actually read this during Christmas time, but it came in late for me at the library, and then I had to put it off because of Cybils reading. I'm glad I finally got around to it, though. It's a good winter read that is just as enjoyable now as it would've been during the holiday season.
This event at Books of Wonder was a ton of fun. And I got to meet our own postergirl Jackie Parker, who ruled and gave me a hug and let me snap this fangirl photo (actually, author Matthue Roth snapped it):
And then the lovely Mitali Dave took this group photo. Recognize anyone?
We obviously weren't sure which camera to look at. It was a rare paparazzi moment for us authors. Hope you all can be there next year!
How fun is this interview with rgz diva Melissa and the amazing Anne in Here's an excerpt from "Blogging Babes:"
"TGBD: If you guys could go back and tell your younger selves something about hair or makeup, what would it be? Anne: I would tell myself not to get mad at my mom when she wouldn’t let me get a perm in the 5th grade.
Melissa: I would tell myself to have more fun. I mean, I'm not really able to pull off a fully rainbowed eyeshadow look right now, but at 17 it would have be awesome. I wasn't brave enough."
There is a "gray page" titled Pieces where Jenna describes working so hard to give pieces of herself to others that she has nothing left for herself. Do you ever feel that way? Why?
Following an accident, would you need 50%, 10%, or 1% of yourself in your new body? Or would you rather just be allowed to die if no more than 50% could be saved?
Be sure to vote in the sidebar, but leave your explanations here!
Dear readergirlz, the time has come for a contest! Actually, it's the second week of five weeks of contests!
The winner of last week's contest is... Polo Pony! Send your address to readergirlz AT gmail DOT com and we'll get your pack of books out to you!
Here's the deal: each week from now until Support Teen Literature Day on April 16th, we'll be awarding *a package of books* to one winner. To enter, you just comment on our blog posts (comments on older posts count - a point for each comment!) and get an extra ten points for taking up the week's challenge. Get ten more any time by becoming one of our blog followers!
Report your post in the comments with the URL (and get eleven points!). We'll keep track of the comments and urls and award the winners each week. Books! Prizes! And you'll be supporting teen lit and hospitalized teens across the country.
I love the cover of The Adoration of Jenna Fox. Don't you? Not only is it eye-catching, but it fits the story - for reasons I won't disclose here, as I want to encourage those who have yet to read the book to do so and find out for themselves! :)
Upon realizing I had a little purple-and-blue plastic butterfly in my possession, I took a picture:
Mary E. Pearson joined in the fun, calling her picture of The Adoration of Rex and Spot:
In early April, I received a forwarded email filled with nature photographs. It included this beautiful image, which I promptly sent over to Mary:
Paradox posted a whole bunch of fan art book covers, including one for The Adoration of Jenna Fox. Click here to see them.
Want to recreate the cover yourself? Go for it! Put a link to your picture(s) in the comments below, and we'll showcase all of the covers in this blog post!
Amazing readergirl Mitali Perkins shared her latest Cover Story for Secret Keeper, on my blog, and it was too good not to share with readergirlz! Here's Mitali:
"When it comes to art, I'm in the appreciator rather than the creator category. My publisher asked me for input, and I told her that there were a glut of covers set in India with girls peeking over veils or around sarees. I didn't want something that felt too 'ethnic.'
"When I saw this cover, I LOVED IT! I was so happy. I think it's a stock photo. Because I 100% loved it, I had no suggestions. I hope the art department enjoyed the rave email I sent to my editor.
"I am VERY pleased with this cover; I think it captures the feel of the story perfectly."
And sometimes, people, it's just that easy. Love at first cover. I think the cover model's downcast eyes (gorgeous lashes, btw!) are perfect for Mitali's story about a girl who keeps her heart in secret diaries. The colors and patterns are just indicative enough of its Indian setting.
Kristin Cashore, author of Graceling, would have attended the chat last night had she not been on a plane to Bologna at the time, heading to the Children's Book Fair. She asked me to post something for her:
"I'm sorry I can't be there, but I'm suspended above the Atlantic!"
It's Women's History Month, and Tanya Lee Stone's new book is about a dramatic, little-known story episode in American history that involves some truly kick-ass women.
In 1961, the scientists who had put the Mercury 7 astronauts through their paces decided to test exceptional women pilots to see if they would do as well--the thinking was that if women were equally good candidates they would save NASA millions of dollars because women took up less space, ate less food, used less oxygen, etc.
The women DID excel and, no surprise, were kept out of the space program. What happened next includes women fighting injustice, and some American heroes behaving badly. It's a riveting story that takes us up to present-day and highlights some of the women for whom the way was paved by these 13 pioneers.
Read more about Almost Astronautshere. Yay for unfair-boundary pushers!
Welcome to rgz LIVE! with Mary E. Pearson. We are PSYCHED to hold this live chat/LOVEfest in her honor tonight.
We know everyone will be patient as we try out this new software. Feel free to let us know if you dig it or don't. No hurt feelings! Really. This is just a shot, and Mary is so kind to be flexible with us. It seems like the free technology just isn't quite the perfect match with what we want to do. Let's see what we can figure out together.
This will be more like a free flowing party than what we are used to at the MySpace group forum. Mary may catch a few questions as she sees them stream by. No pressure on anyone though. Just enjoy the moment as we celebrate The Adoration of Jenna Fox. Let the party begin!
Hey readergirlz, we're halfway through our first contest week, but it's not too late to participate!
This week's challenge: Post the Operation TBD trailer on your blog (trailer below) and post your url here. Get extra points for commenting and becoming a follower!
In addition to being the author of our March pick, The Adoration of Jenna Fox, Mary E. Pearson is a barefoot girl. Here, we get a glimpse of her personality (read more in the March issue of Readergirlz):
On the nightstand: Chapstick and the book What I Saw and How I Lied
Pets: Brody and Hunter -- 160 pounds of slobbery, golden love.
Dream book tour: All my writer friends get to go along with me and sign their books too. And let's throw in Paris since it's a dream tour.
Stilettos or Uggs?Au naturel! Bare feet all the way!
How would you answer one ore more of these questions, readergirlz?
Despite economic downturn, generous publishers have donated
thousands of young-adult books for readergirlz, Guys Lit Wire, and YALSA
to deliver to teens in America’s top pediatric hospitals
March 17, 2009 (Seattle, Wash.) – Teen patients in pediatric hospitals across the United States will receive 8,000 young-adult novels, audiobooks, and graphic novels next week as readergirlz, Guys Lit Wire, and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) celebrate the third annual Support Teen Lit Day on April 16.
In its second year, “Operation TBD” (short for Teen Book Drop), puts free booksdonated by 18 book publishers into the hands of many teens most in need of escape, inspiration and a sense of personal accomplishment. Books with exceptional characters and fabulous stories can provide just that for teens and their families dealing with difficult, long-term hospital stays.
At a time when philanthropic giving is down, readergirlz co-founders have been inspired by overwhelming industry support for Operation TBD. “readergirlz is always looking for innovative ways to connect teens with literature, “ said Dia Calhoun, co-founder of readergirlz and acclaimed young-adult author. “We’re honored that publishers have supported this goal by giving so liberally this year.”
Operation TBD also aims to encourage all teens to choose reading for pleasure as a leisure activity, over other entertainment options. Inciting the broader teen community to participate in Operation TBD in its drive to spur reading on a national scale, readergirlz has launched a trailer on YouTube ( inviting teens and YA authors to leave a book in a public place on April 16. When visiting, participants can download bookplates to insert into the books they’ll leave behind, which explain the surprise to the recipient and tell them to read and enjoy.
“This event is such a special one because it not only raises awareness about teen literature, but it also truly helps those teens most in need. Teens facing illnesses will be able to find an age- appropriate new book to read while in the hospital — teen books matter and not just any old book will do,” said Sarah Cornish Debraski, YALSA president. “Our thanks to the publishers, readergirlz, and Guys Lit Wire. It’s wonderful to unite with these organizations to forward this cause.”
Participating book publishers who have donated books or audiobooks include Abrams Books, Bloomsbury/Walker Books, Candlewick Press, Full Cast Audio, Hachette Book Group, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Hyperion, Milkweed, Mirrorstone Books, Orca Book Publishers, Peachtree Books, Perseus Book Group/Running Press, Random House, Scholastic, Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, Soft Skull Press & Red Rattle Books, TOKYOPOP and Tor/Forge/Starscape/Tor Teen.
“Putting the right book into the hands of a teen can turn that teen into a reader for life, “ said Suzanne Murphy, VP and Group Publisher, Scholastic Trade Book Publishing. “We are delighted to have the opportunity to help Operation TBD show teens firsthand just how much fun reading can be.”
Pediatric hospitals that have signed up to receive books include Phoenix Children's Hospital (Phoenix, Ariz.), Rady's Children's Hospital (San Diego, Calif.), Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Children's Hospital and Research Center (Oakland, Calif.), All Children's Hospital (St. Petersburg, FL), Children's Memorial Hospital (Chicago, Ill.), UM C.S. Mott Children's Hospital (Ann Arbor, Mich.), Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics (Kansas City, MO), The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Children's Medical Center in Dallas, Mary Bridge Children's Hospital & Health Center (Tacoma, Wash.) and Seattle Children's Hospital.
“Our teen patients here at Seattle Children’s loved the books donated through the Operation Teen Book Drop last year,” said Kim Korte, Child Life Manager, Seattle Children’s Hospital. “Books are a wonderful avenue for our patients to be distracted from the pain and stress of hospitalization. We are always in need of books and greatly appreciate the generosity of the publishers who donated.”
Everyone who participates in Operation TBD is invited to celebrate at the TBD Post-Op Party on April 16 at 6 p.m. Pacific Time on the readergirlz blog:
About Support Teen Literature Day
For the third consecutive year, Support Teen Literature Day will be celebrated April 16, 2009 in conjunction with ALA’s National Library Week. Librarians all across the country are encouraged to participate in Support Teen Literature Day by hosting events in their library. The purpose of this new celebration is to raise awareness among the general public that young adult literature is a vibrant, growing genre with much to offer today’s teens. Support Teen Literature Day also seeks to showcase award-winning authors and books in the genre as well as highlight librarians’ expertise in connecting teens with books and other reading materials.
About the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)
For more than 50 years, YALSA has been the world leader in selecting books, videos, and audiobooks for teens. For more information about YALSA or for lists of recommended reading, viewing and listening, visit or contact the YALSA office by phone, 800-545-2433, ext. 4390, or email,
About readergirlz
readergirlz is the foremost online book community for teen girls, led by five critically acclaimed YA authors—Dia Calhoun (Avielle of Rhia), Holly Cupala (A Light That Never Goes Out) Lorie Ann Grover (Hold Me Tight), Justina Chen Headley (North of Beautiful), and Melissa Walker (the Violet series). readergirlz is the recipient of a 2007 James Patterson PageTurner Award.
To promote teen literacy and leadership in girls, readergirlz features a different YA novel and corresponding community service project every month. For more information about readergirlz, please visit and, or contact
About Guys Lit Wire Guys Lit Wire brings literary news and reviews to the attention of teenage boys and the people who care about them. Working to combat the perception that teen boys aren’t as well read as teen girls, the organization seeks out literature uniquely targeted toward teen male readers in hopes of bringing attention of good books to guys who might have missed them.
Just a reminder! rgz LIVE! is Thursday, March 19th, at 6:00 pm, Pacific. We are still doing test runs of free chat software. Hopefully, the event will be right here in a new blog post. If we need to run it over at the MySpace group forum, we'll let you know!
There will be a test on Tuesday at 1:30 pm, Pacific, if anyone wants to help. More soon, rgz! Thanks for your patience.
Dear readergirlz, the time has come for a contest! Actually, five weeks of contests!
Here's the deal: each week from now until Support Teen Literature Day on April 16th, we'll be awarding a package of books to one winner. To enter, you just comment on our blog posts (comments on older posts count - a point for each comment!) and get an extra ten points for taking up the week's challenge. Get ten more any time by becoming one of our blog followers!
Report your post on our blog with the URL (and get eleven points!). We'll keep track of the comments and urls and award the winners the following Monday. Books! Prizes! And you'll be supporting teen lit and hospitalized teens across the country.
This week's challenge:
Post the Operation TBD trailer on your blog (trailer below). Spread the word about Operation TBD!
All posts Monday 3/16 through Saturday midnight PST count toward this week's prize. Thanks to Shelli at Market My Words for the great idea!
I had to introduce the readergirlz to Lindsay Giambattista, 18, of Fort Lauderdale, FL. She was featured on I Heart Daily last week as the founder of Taylor’s Closet, an organization that allows girls in foster care to come into a "store" and shop for clothes -- free of charge. We talked to Lindsay about how awesome that is.
The paperback edition of Mary Hogan's PRETTY FACE is out this month. It's the story of Hayley, a girl who's always the friend--never the girlfriend. Until a summer in Italy changes her self-perception. She's curvy, not fat. Pizza isn't evil. And life is so much more than one-size-fits-all.
To celebrate the release, we're hosting a giveaway that includes all of Mary's YA titles (that's SIX total!).
One luck readergirl will win the collection, which includes: Pretty Face Perfect Girl Serious Kiss Susanna Sees Stars Susanna Hits Hollywood (2008 winner of NAPPA Gold Award) Susanna Covers the Catwalk (British edition)
Quite a set, no?! To enter, just be a follower of this blog, and leave a comment below telling us what the last book you LOVED was. We'll pick one random commenter as a winner on Pretty Face's release date, March 24th.