
readergirlz is a literacy and social media project for teens, awarded the National Book Foundation's Innovations in Reading Prize. The rgz blog serves as a depot for news and YA reviews from industry professionals and teens. As volunteers return full force to their own YA writing, the organization continues to hold one initiative a year to impact teen literacy. All are welcome to "like" us on Facebook!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Make Something - and a Giveaway!

This is something I've been dying to try for a long time: glass marble magnets. And what could be more fun than magnets featuring your favorite (or even your own!) book covers?

You need:
Flat glass marbles (I used 3/4" ones from Michaels craft store)
1/2" magnets (50/pack at Michaels)
Elmer's Glue

I tracked down book cover jpgs at Google Images then tinkered with them in Adobe InDesign to get them just the right size for the flat side of the marbles (you can use Word, Publisher, whatever). Print them out and cut circles to size. Add glue to the flat side of the marble, then affix your image face-down so that it shows through the bubbled glass. Let dry, then glue the magnet.

Here's the set I made as a gift for Joni Sensel to celebrate the launch of her new book, The Farwalker's Quest:

And here is a set of readergirlz magnets (1st row: rgz splat, Lorie Ann Grover's On Pointe, Dia Calhoun's Avielle of Rhia, Justina Chen Headley's North of Beautiful, Martha Brockenbrough's Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar; 2nd row: Janet Lee Carey's Dragon's Keep, Melissa Walker's Lovestruck Summer, Mitali Perkins' Secret Keeper, Martha Brockenbrough's Things That Make Us [Sic], and Sara Easterly and Jaime Temairik's Fashion Studio!)

You can keep them, give them as gifts, or even as a blog giveaway! Which gives me an idea...a giveaway!

Leave a comment by midnight on Saturday, March 7th, and we'll randomly choose one person to receive a set of readergirlz magnets! We'll announce the winner on Monday, so check back to see if it's you!

Holly Cupala, author & rgz diva


Amy said...

This is a really neat idea! I think this is something I could try doing as a program for teens at the library.

Jennifer Rummel said...

Awesome. I'm going to try it this weekend. What a great idea!

sweetmelissa818 said...

That is too cool!

Jennie said...

If you buy a 3/4 circle paper punch (usually in the scrapbooking section) it makes the cutting bit even easier!

jpetroroy said...

What a fantastic idea!

Marie said...

Wow! They are so pretty!
I'm going to do this at my library for sure!

Martha Brockenbrough said...

Squee! Awesome! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Cool idea!

I (heart) readergirlz!!

sporter said...

I could almost do this. What a great gift idea for my colleagues!

Lorie Ann Grover said...

These are beautiful, Holly! Thanks for the fun!

Erika Powell said...

they are so cool and crafty! I may have to try making them, although I am sure they won't come out well. all the crafty genes were given to my sister

holly cupala said...

I'm glad you all are enjoying these - they were so fun to make. A 3/4 punch is a great idea. I've been making so many of these that it would be worth it - my little daughter and I made a whole alphabet with letter stamps and cute paper, plus extra letters. Keep the comments coming! Tell your friends! I'm excited to give a set away!

dmgrossman said...

These are so great! LOVE them, Holly!

Janet Fox said...

Holly - those are fabulous. Much, much cooler than bookmarks.

Katie said...

These are so cute!

Maya Ganesan said...

Cool! I'll definitely have to do this sometime :)

SarahChristine said...

those magnets are so cute!

Vivian Mahoney said...

OMG! What a fantastic idea! Thanks for the instructions.

Paradox said...

These are great! I should attempt to do this myself!

JenFW said...

Great project and great gift idea!

And, Jennie, thanks for the tip.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I wish I was that creative! They're awesome looking!

Enter me, please!

Sarah Woodard said...

These are very cool.

Erika said...

Love them! Can't wait to make some myself!

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea. I want to try it!

Chelsea said...

Ooh, love these. What a great idea! I wish I was as crafty-minded as you!

Diana Dang said...

Those are lovely!

deltay said...

What a great idea! I'll definitely have to dig some out and try that :)

Silvia said...

Wow, that is a wonderful idea I love making manual thing^^

Reyna Meinhardt said...

I love that idea!!! Would you mind if I used it as a gift?

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