On the nightstand: Domino Book of Decorating, Going Bovine by Libba Bray, The Calvin and Hobbes Treasury, Metropolis by Elizabeth Gaffney
Pets: I have two ancient and pukey cats.
Place to write: I just bought a new apartment and have a gorgeous office with a view of the park. It has wainscotting!
Inspiration: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Anita Loos
Cure for writer's block: Don't believe in it. Or pretend not to believe in it. Just do my job. Every day.
Favorite outfit: Today I am wearing new knee-high boots, a green corduroy skirt, a stripy shirt with a gray cardigan and a polka dot scarf. I am quite amused by my outfit today, actually.
Laptop or longhand? I type like 90 words a minute (with mistakes). Longhand would make me crazy as my brain goes much faster than that. I do have attractive handwriting though.
Next up: The Treasure Map of Boys, third in the series that started with The Boyfriend List and The Boy Book, is in stores now. Next December, the fourth in that series: Real Live Boyfriends.
Author idols: Michael Chabon
Interviews: The YA YA YAs, Debbi Michiko Florence, Page Numbered
Website: www.e-lockhart.com and www.theboyfriendlist.comRead more about E. in this month's full issue!
Pukey cats! Gotta love them. Awesome outfit, E. Enjoy your new apartment with delightful wainscoting.
Hugs to the cats.
OMG he is SOOOOOO pukey. He is like a puke machine.
We are moving TODAY (Wednesday) to the apartment with the lovely office, so bear with me if my posts are short!
"Cure for writer's block: Don't believe in it. Or pretend not to believe in it. Just do my job. Every day."
Best response to writer's block I've ever heard. Will definitely keep this in mind.
I love that Writer's Block advice too, Annie.
Good luck with the move, E.!
Happy moving, E.!
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