"Dream Life is a sequel to Dream Girl, so I knew it would likely feature a cover in keeping with the visuals of the first book, which always reminds me of Japanese candy. Shortly after I'd started writing it I was given an even more specific idea to store in the back of my mind: my very cool editor Krista Marino showed me a photograph she was hoping to use on the new cover. If memory serves correctly, it showed the same model as the one who plats Claire on the cover of Dream Girl. But instead of sitting and looking lady-like, she was flung across a couch, her head tilted back and her arm falling down to the floor. It was very dramatic and much less lady-like than the first image. It was intense. I liked it..."
Read the rest of Lauren's Cover Story at melissacwalker.com. And share your thoughts in either spot!

the cover of the first book totally reminds me of Japanese candy as well! Which is oddly why I have sort-of been dying to read it!
Interesting cover story. I've always wondered about some of the book covers.
Now, I need to see actual Japanese candy...
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