YALSA has announced the finalists for the second Morris Award for best debut novel for teens (www.ala.org/morris):
and the inaugural Excellence in Nonfiction Award for best nonfiction written for teens (www.ala.org/yalsa/nonfiction)
Congrats to all the authors!
Did you know there's a Morris/Nonfiction Book Trailer Contest??? Here's the info from YALSA:
"Teens ages 13-18 can win a box of books plus a $100 giftcard to a bookstore and you can win $200 worth of books and materials for your library!
Any teen or group of teens (4 maximum) aged 13-18 who has written permission of parent or guardian (13 is the minimum age to register for an online service, like YouTube, which is being used in this contest) can enter.
All video entries must be an original work made between December 10, 2009 to January 17, 2010, and must feature any or all of the five titles nominated for Morris or Nonfiction. The shortlists can be found at www.ala.org/morris or www.ala.org/yalsa/nonfiction.
There is no fee for submitting the entry.
Teens may send in one entry per book or group of books. An entry form must be submitted to YALSA, yalsa@ala.org, by midnight on January 29, 2010."
So, there you go. Finalists will be shown at ALA Midwinter in Boston. Woot! Be sure to tag your entry at youtube "yalsamorris” or “yalsanf.” Grab your entry form and rules here: http://yalsa.ala.org/Best to you, rgz!

Has anyone read Beautiful Creatures yet? I'm eager to know if it lives up to some of the hype I've read about it so far. (Great cover on that one)
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