Welcome to the second of our week long series of live chats in celebration of Teen Read Week--READ BEYOND REALITY. Tonight join us for Beyond Hardship with three amazing authors:



The chat goes live at the top of the hour! Get ready to dive into the deep stuff, rgz!
Had a great time! I look forward to being able to participate in another chat. The authors were all great to talk to! :-)
such a fun time! loved it.
see you tomorrow :)
Loved this chat! Thanks to Elizabeth, Lynn and Lorie Ann!!
Woo-hoo! Loved the chat tonight, everyone. Can't wait for tomorrow. :)
What a great time! My kids need to fall asleep sooner, so I can chat more! ;)
All the best,
Thanks, rgz. These chats are always such fun. I seem to be getting better at keeping up. Not good, but better.
Thank you to everyone! The chat was great tonight!
Lorie Ann - I just really enjoy YA fiction and think that rgz is very-much amazing. I've been reading the blog for ages (ever since Erin told me about it). I also love to write, and am anxious to become better at it :)
I wish soooo much that there was a readerguyz, and I would totally start it if I had the time. I know about guyslitwire, but their tastes don't line up with mine nearly as well as rgz's.
(on a side note, seeing as I'm already up on the podium... I think you should provide a "readerguy" version of the TBD sticker in future. I had to photoshop my own this year.)
Georgia, Kat, and Jayme are our book winners tonight! Want to send your snail mails to readergirlzatgmaildotcom and Melissa will scoop you up? Congrats!
And thanks to everyone for stopping in tonight. Posters and lurkers. :~)
Awesome, David. And yes, we need guy stickers! Thanks for helping us out last year. :~) You are so welcome to hang with us.
Just caught your email, Jayme. Thanks!
I understand, Lori!
Yay, JenFW!
Thanks, Vivian, and Erin!
SO much fun tonight! Yes, winners send your emails to readergirlz AT gmail!
Hope to see all you guys for the rest of the week too! Party EVERY night!
Last night was another great chat. Such good turnouts! Yay readergirlz!
I'm excited for the next ones. See all of you tonight - same time, same place, new books!
I'm going to attempt to work out time difference so I can be at the next one =)
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