
readergirlz is a literacy and social media project for teens, awarded the National Book Foundation's Innovations in Reading Prize. The rgz blog serves as a depot for news and YA reviews from industry professionals and teens. As volunteers return full force to their own YA writing, the organization continues to hold one initiative a year to impact teen literacy. All are welcome to "like" us on Facebook!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October: Victorian Fashion and You

Libba says, "New dress code: You have to rock a piece of Victorian clothing. What do you wear and how do you wear it? Describe your ensemble. Make it work, people!"


Melissa Walker said...

I will have a frilly parasol for my delicate skin, a dress that shows my shoulders with a giant, petticoated skirt and--of course--a large hat covered in flowers. I might also want to carry a nosegay of roses, just for kicks.

Melissa Walker said...

Of course, if I'm just incorporating one piece into my modern day, I'll carry the nosegay of roses with skinny jeans and one of my large array of faded gray t-shirts.

Little Willow said...

I welcome the corset and petticoat. Please make my dress purple - though I prefer shorter dresses to those which are ankle-length, so I'd have to customize it a bit. :)

MissA said...

I'd wear a long skirt and show absolutely NO SKIN! (well maybe a little ;)
I would also wear a nice hat of some kind and a necklace (pearls, a diamond or sapphire or ruby or some kind of jewel necklace). And I would try and have my ears piecred (not sure if that was done back in the day!)

Libba Bray said...

I would be doing some serious gender bending: Riding breeches, frock coat, and a peach satin corset over a white-linen-and-lace bed shirt. And of course, the most ridiculous hat adorned with serious plumage. And a monocle. Gotta rock the monocle.

Lorie Ann Grover said...

I'd sport a pair of gloves long enough to reach my upper arms!

And a hat with feathers. With Converse.

Dia Calhoun said...

I want a top hat. It would make me look tall.

Anonymous said...

Fashion is the best way to show out our personality and also glamour..
so i will take this article in my life...
Thanks for sharing valuable info..

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Anonymous said...

Nice Blog keep it up and best of luck for your future


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