readergirlz is a literacy and social media project for teens, awarded the National Book Foundation's Innovations in Reading Prize. The rgz blog serves as a depot for news and YA reviews from industry professionals and teens. As volunteers return full force to their own YA writing, the organization continues to hold one initiative a year to impact teen literacy. All are welcome to "like" us on Facebook!
October: Finding the Authentic You
Libba says, "The novel deals a lot with the question of identity -- the process of finding and defining yourself as opposed to letting others (society, family, friends, romantic partners) do so. Why do you think this is so hard? What pressures do you face in your own quest to be a more authentic you?"

I think for me my biggest obstacle is my culture. I live in a specific culture where certain behaviors, even appearance are not only expected they are demanded. I have tried to conform to this expectation in order to better fit in, but in doing so I've denied the ME inside.
I've only recently tried to break free of my imagined shackles and find a way to be both ME and also a good member of my societal subculture. So far, it's working for me. Let's hope I can keep it up!
Absolutely, Ali! Good for you!
I think it takes time. And quiet. You need space to see who you are. And then you can watch your further growth.
We are talking years! And it all usually starts when you are a teen. You wake up and look around at all the influences and ask: who am I?
Here's to the discovery!
i need to be people see for what I am as opposed to what I do.
Identity is very personal, and I become sad whenever anyone bases their choices, personality, and actions on others' choices, etc. I think it's better to be yourself, to be true to yourself, and to figure that out as you can, as you may.
I'm myself no matter where I am or who is around. I'm happy with who I am.
I am always concerned with whether people like me. It's limiting in many ways. As long as I am myself, and I remain confident that I'm a good person who makes smart choices, why do I have to worry if EVERYONE I meet is fond of me? Ridiculous! I still struggle with it though.
Finding "me" time is hard. I think it's important to have time in order to nurture the parts of yourself that make you, you. Too often we get caught up in the things we have to do and forget about the things that fulfill us most and define us.
I think that the reason it's so hard to find your own identity is because you are around people the majority of your day. They all have certain expectations of you. When it comes to your family and friends you feel obliged to conform. The main obstacle I think many people face is family. There's also a fear of rejection if you want to try something different.
I'm beyond looking. I am who I am. And while I do see young people today struggling to find their place in the world, the struggle is part of the adventure. I echo Lorie Ann's thoughts re "the discovery".
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