It's time to grab a readergirlz bookplate and take a book somewhere in your town--donate it to a library, a school, or a lonely park bench. Leave it anywhere in honor of Support Teen Literature Day! Take a photo for tonight's TBD Post-Op Party. See you here at 6:00, Pacific. Rock on, rgz!

Woot, woot! Happy book dropping everyone!
Mission Accomplished! :) I didn't take a picture but I did post about my book drop:
What a great idea! Happy TBD day, Readergirlz! :)
Yay! I'm on it!
I'm always excited to pass on a good read. I'm sure the three Twilight books I have will find happy homes. Let's Rock the Drop!
I'm so excited! See you tonight at the chat, everyone! It was so fun to see the books at the hospital and the excitement around it. Thanks to all of you who are dropping books and helping to make this happen.
Photos taken today at Children's Hospital Oakland in CA. with Oakland Public Library Teen Outreach Librarian, Hospital School teacher, an RN and her teen patient. The teen was the very first and most grateful recipient of the TBD books. She was chosen because she is an avid reader. What a beautiful human being she is. She provided some pretty sage words of wisdom about our individual life journeys and claimed she gained her wisdom and understanding from her own health experience and through the books she read. I hope I can send in a photo when I receive them back from the photographer. It was a moving and rewarding experience for all involved. Thank you. Children's Hospital Oakland is thrilled to receive these books.
Was anyone else nervous? I almost wished I'd donated a book by another author! I blogged about it, too, but will come back for the chat...
Happy book dropping day everyone! I headed to my hometown's library today and dropped off two books, and was happy to see that the YA section has grown so much since I was in high school.
I blogged and posted pictures up about it here:
I'm off to Rock the Drop with a fun book bundle!See you all at six pm
Fun!! I donated a copy of "Ashwater Experiment!" I hope someone will enjoy it!
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