Has everyone seen Oprah's YA picks?
Slam by Nick Hornby
Shark Girl by Kelly Bingham
Ringside, 1925: Views from the Scopes Trial by Jen Bryant
You Know Where to Find Me by Rachel Cohn
The Patron Saint of Butterflies by Cecilia Galante
Paper Towns by John Green
Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy; illustrated by Tom Percival
Red Glass by Laura Resau
Trouble by Gary D. Schmidt
The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt
The Arrival by Shaun Tan
Big Fat Manifesto by Susan Vaught
Generation Dead by Daniel Waters
Sweethearts by Sara Zarr
And have you realized how many of these works have been featured on rgz as a main feature or postergirlz recommended read? How cool is that?
Especially note that Red Glass by Laura Resau is our pick for Latina Month, and Sara Zarr is our guest in June with Sweethearts!
Thanks for highlighting YA lit, Oprah. We are definitely on the same page!

*grin* See, this is why I send you not-so-random links!
Oprah has got some good taste ;)
I wrote down some of these to read! I especially want to read "SweetHearts!"
Oh awesome! Now I know what my reading list is for the summer! XP Nice to see Oprah supporting YA, goodness knows the recognition can't hurt....
I love being in tune with Lady O!
Well, that is Coolness Plus.
Oprah has good taste....(:
Oprah / Oprah's people chose well.
Yay for Oprah! And I see a few of my favorites on the list! Go Shannon Hale!
I was not happy with Oprah's list. And I commented as much on her site. It was a great opportunity to be more inclusive and the list isn't. Many will be using the list and as usual writers of color are sorely underrespesented here.
I am part of a group of librarians, mentors, educators, writers and other advocates for greater diversity who are currently compiling a list of titles that feature teens of color.
Does the absence of color only disturb people of color?
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