Throughout her visit, she will be cross-posting at the readergirlz blog. We are honored to have Elizabeth among us (look at that lineup of books!). Learn more about Elizabeth Scott and our author-in-residence position.
Here is the fourth, and last, of Elizabeth’s monthly vlog entries about writing, in which she answers reader questions what she does when she finish a book, including post-book rituals, how her drafts drop, on average, between 30-40% when she edits, and why editing (even though it can be painful) *is* a good thing.
Here is the fourth, and last, of Elizabeth’s monthly vlog entries about writing, in which she answers reader questions what she does when she finish a book, including post-book rituals, how her drafts drop, on average, between 30-40% when she edits, and why editing (even though it can be painful) *is* a good thing.
Here she is:
Kristi at the Story Siren highly recommends Scott. I haven't read anything yet by her, but I would love to!
I am so sad that this is her last vlog--but I'm sure a set of her books would cheer me up! :)
I haven't read her books yet, but I would love a chance to.
Squeee! *takes a deep breath* I'd really love to win a set of her books. But who wouldn't?
She was very encouraging when she was talking about how unhappy she feels about her final draft right after finishing it. It's not exactly the same, but I always feel unhappy after I do a photography shoot, afraid the lighting wasn't quite right or I didn't make the session fun enough, etc. etc. Of course, when I download the images & look at them the next day, everything feels much more sun-shiny. : ) I hope Elizabeth Scott has the same feeling when she reviews her work after a break.
So thank you! For the thoughts & the giveaway. : )
EEEEEEKKKK! I love this author a chance to win a whole set. Sign me up...
I read Living Dead Girl and recommended it to everyone I knew. Fantastic read! Would love to read more of her books! Count me in!
I havent read her books yet. But I have really enjoyed the vlogs. Thanks for taking the time to do them.
I love the vlog. Her advice about editing is great because that is always one of the hardest things for me to do. I will have to try her strategy next time. And thanks for the awesome chance to win whole set of books. =]
I'm glad to hear that there's at least some awesome published authors who hate what they write/are their own biggest critic too. I thought maybe I was weird in feeling that way about stuff I write.
The idea of editing terrifies me - not the deleting things, because the way I see it, I can just keep the things I delete in a separate file so I won't really be losing them.
It's more... I'm scared that the only good stuff in the things I write is the stuff that should be cut because it's not needed and if I strip that out, no one will want to read it. And then there is the fact that I literally cannot tell what should and shouldn't be cut.
I suppose maybe I should get a critique partner or something but I'd feel so bad about inflicting the awfullness that is my writing on someone else, especially in the early draft stage.
YAY! I have read two of Elizabeth's books and absolutely loved them. I'm currently waiting for the other books to come in from the library but to have my own set of them...amazing! So thank you so much Elizabeth for giving away all your books to one of us readergirlz.
And thank you for that part in your blog about editing. I am fifteen years old and I just finished the first draft to my 50,000 word novel in November through NaNoWriMo (check it out...it's amazing!) and I'm editing. It's a hard process but your words helped!
And if case I happen to win the amazing books by Elizabeth here is my email: irishhorselover@comcast.net
I've enjoyed your vlogs, Elizabeth. Thanks for sharing!
Really enjoyed this vlog! Can't wait to read her books!
I love Elizabeth Scott!
Wow, you eyes are really blue. So gorgeous. My eyes are a boring brown. Pretty I guess, but so common.
This is probably the coolest giveaway I've ever seen in my life! Or, well, your Unwritten Rule contest beats this, but not by too much. This is still more than awesome. Thanks!
Also, thanks for this vlog. I love the topic you chose to talk about. Editing. Ugh. I hate it. I've never actually finished anything, but I'm starting to understand what's necessary, (and enjoyable for the reader) and what's filler. The only thing is I have all these ideas floating around in my head, but when I actually sit down and attempt to write... It doesn't work. I'll have to work on that.
Love, Hannah S.
Thanks for all of your advice! Somehow it is comforting to me that even after so much success there are still doubts when you finish a draft. That makes you so much more . . . um . . . human!
I find confidence and doubt everyday in my writing.
Elizabeth Scott is one of my favorite authors. I love that she writes about REAL situations in such an interesting way. What a great vlog!
Yay, contest!
This would be awesome to win.
foltzsfantasticbooks at gmail.com
GREAT series of vlogs. I'd love to win!
Thank you, Elizabeth. You've been wonderful!
I'd love to play please! Thanks.
Thanks so much for the editing advice, Elizabeth! Your readers will miss your vlogs! :( Can't wait for Grace in September. :)
I haven't read any of Elizabeth's books, but I hear nothing but praise for them. I would love to win these.
Awesome vlog! I loved what you said about editing, that's something I'll remember when I begin editing. I'm sad that this is your last though. :(
And oh my god! I only have one of your books(my 'rents don't give me money to get books, I have to babysit to get the money.)! It would be amazing to win all of your books!
Again great vlog. ;)
I would love to read Elizabeth's books. I've heard so many great things about them and enjoyed the vlogs.
I can't believe you are hard on yourself about your writing! It is beautiful! I am always left wanting more every time I have finished one of your books. Even though, I do understand what you mean. After I finished my first draft of my first book, my heart just sank. I'm scared it will never be enough, but I keep praying it is. But, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and I'm just happy I was able to finish! The vlog was amazing, such great information. Thank you.
My favorite Scott book was Living Dead Girl. It was the first one I read so I was very surprised when I read her other ones. Love them though.
I've only read the Unwritten Rule by her but it was absolutely fabulous. I would love to read her other books!
Gah! I really want to read Grace. I'm with Marianna, I read at The Story Siren that she's great.
would love to win! haleymathiot@yahoo.com
I have yet to read all of Elizabeth's books yet, but from what I have read they are frckin AMAZING! :]
I love Elizabeth Scott and her vlogs (so sad it was the last one), so I would love to own all her books (especially because I don't own any).
Editting would trip me up if I was a professional writer. I don't know if I could take out scenes that I loved. Good thing I'm not a writer!
Also, I can not wait to read Grace. It looks amazing.
I'd love a full set! Right now all I own is Living Dead Girl.
Great last vlog for Reader Girlz! I've enjoyed seeing them all, as always. I'm just like you, I'll read 30 YA books at once and then become super busy with other things (school and life, usually).
I've been trying to write for a while now and I'd be so happy if I had enough to cut 30-40%! You should post some 'deleted scenes' or read some in a vlog. I think that it'd be fun. : )
Anyways, can I sign up for the contest for just half of your books? Because I already own 3 (and love them!). : )
I love Elizabeth Scott's books. My first was Something, Maybe and I haven't been able to stop since. I just finished her new book, the Unwritten Rule and I think my favorite is Bloom. I absolutely can't wait for the next new one!
I've read all of her books! The Unwritten Rule is my favorite! Then Something maybe, then Living Dead Girl, then Love You Hate you Miss You, then Perfect you, then Stealing Heaven, then Bloom!
Elizabeth Scott has been the biggest influence on me. She made me believe that I can write a book ,and that its not impossible. Like anything, it takes hard work.
So, thank you Elizabeth! Thanks for being real with us too.
I loved Living Dead Girl and Perfect You. I really must read more of of her books! I'm looking forward to Bloom but bummed that the vlogs are over!
I heard wonders about Elizabeth's books. Please count me in.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
I absolutely love everything from Scott that I've read so far and hear great things about the three I haven't read yet! Hands down, one of my favorite authors!
Wow! Very accomplished author. I would like to enter the giveaway to win all her books.
Thank you for this chance!
-Jessica Tapia
Great Contest that I would love to win!
What an incredibly generous contest! Sign me up! And the vlog is wonderful - especially the editing advice!
The girls I teach and I love Elizabeth Scott! yay for contests!
Elizabeth Scott is in my top five so this is one of the best contests I've ever seen!
What a great give away. I would love to win her books.
AHHHH!!!!! ALL of her books? Are you serious? You've got to be flippin' kidding me!!!! I'd LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win! Please enter me (though I don't know when the deadline is).
I hope I haven't missed the deadline to enter!! I love Elizabeth Scott. I work at a library and whenever girls ask me for a good read I always send them to her books :) She's such a fantastic writer. There are only a couple of authors that I aspire to be like and she is one of them.
Awesome giveaway! I've never read anything by Elizabeth, but I need too!
Great giveway! I'd love to win.
jpetroroy at gmail dot com
Scott is an amazing writer. I've read a few of her books already but it would be lovely to have the whole collection.
flayla14 (at) yahoo (dot) com
wow, that vlog was amazing!
for me what really helped was with the editing part *shivers*.
but yeah crazy that her time on readergirlz for her author in residence period is already over...but anyway would love to win this set of books.
her books i think are one of the many that i can pick up after not reading in a while and just start mid way and end up finishing it in one sitting.
Really interesting vlog!
I'd love to read all her books! Please enter me for the contest! Thanks!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
oh gosh they all look and sound great! I've heard so many great things :)
I got 'the unwritten rule' when it first came out and stayed up way past twelve to finish it. The best story I've ever read. Elizabeth Scott has know become my favorite novelist. Personally I will buy every book of hers... they're awesome. Elizabeth never ever stop writing or I'll die.
I hope I can still enter! I have never read any of her books but have heard great things about them. I would love the chance to win so I could read these!!
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com
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