We're here, of course, to learn about the cover! What else? Here's Lauren:
"You know what? I really didn't have an idea for the cover. I am probably the least visual person in the world, weirdly enough. When I have to memorize phone numbers, for example, I memorize the sound of them. I just realized this recently. I have essentially the opposite of a photographic memory, and again, almost no visual sense. Maybe that's why I almost failed Photo 1 in high school.
"My publisher didn't ask for input, but I trusted them completely. HarperTeen is renowned for doing gorgeous covers; I want to eat all of their books. There is nothing an author likes better than a book that will sell by virtue of the cover alone, regardless of the quality of the text itself! It's a huge relief.
"When I first saw my cover, I was stunned. I thought it was breathtaking, literally.
"Originally we felt the cover was too summery; the grass was too green, the flowers too vivid. My book takes place in February and has a kind of bleakness to it, so it just felt too cheerful.
"The art department took that note to heart..."
Read the rest of Lauren's Cover Story at melissacwalker.com.

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