On the nightstand: Quicksilver (Book One of Neal Stephenson's Trilogy)
Place to write: At a computer in the study in my home in the town by the stream near the woods on a hill . . .
Cure for writer's block: While my husband often has to listen to me think out loud on long walks, real stumbling blocks have generally been hurdled over pizza and beer at a couple favorite locations.
Favorite outfit: My closets and dressers look like I have a split personality. Jeans and tank tops or sweatshirts for most days and a closet full of glittery dance dresses for those nights out at ballroom/Latin dance venues.
Stilettos or Uggs? Neither. Sneakers and sandals, plus low-heeled, sequined pumps to go with those glittery dance dresses.
Next up: Two novels are currently in the hands of my agent and/or my publisher, one where the protagonist is the older brother of the two girls in Sweetgrass Basket, and the other where a teenage girl who lives in a foster home thinks she hates everybody and everything.
Well! Glittery dresses and jeans, long walks and pizza and a stream near the woods... sounds like our kind of writer. Thanks for joining us this month, Marlene!
I like the picture you've painted of your closet! I think Beth Kephart would as well. :)
Good point, LW! Yay for dance dresses and shoes. *ding*
Yes, I immediately though of Beth, too! Marlene and Beth should go dancing!
Also, I love the sound of Marlene's writing space... lovely, lovely.
My husband is a great dancer and looks wonderful in a tux. Argentine tango and quickstep rank among our favorites dances.
Yes, Melissa, I do live in a lovely part of the country . . . upstate New York (closer to Canada than NYC).
I love your taste in shoes! And your dancing dresses sound gorgeous.
Thank you, Alex. You can't have too many dance dresses. And even though I mentioned ballroom dancing, my husband and I love to dance to the music of young people today. Did you know you can samba to a rap?
Whoot! Whoot! To the sneakers... there is nothing like a pair of amazing sneakers.
Tis all i have to say.
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