I've got two new books on my pile that I can't wait to read: Saving Juliet and Coffehouse Angel , both by the fabulous Suzanne Selfors.
I got to meet Suzanne last night at Third Place Books. What a delightful event! A bunch of people sat around, with yummy coffee cake made by the bookseller, and listened to Suzanne talk about her writing life and read from Coffehouse Angel. From what I heard, I know that lots of you will love this book -- who's read it so far? I'm excited to dig in, especially because it's set in a fictional town based on a real town that's close to Seattle! And because there's an angel in it who I'm pretty sure is also kind of a hunk. Or a hottie. What word are we using these days?
Big news about Suzanne's Saving Juliet: Film rights have sold to Disney! Woo!
Here's my now-classic Photo of Liz with Author:
Know a girl who's still a tad young for Suzanne's YA books? Have her check out To Catch a Mermaid and Fortune's Magic Farm. They're guaranteed to please!
See you all soon . . . and if you're in Seattle, meet me at the Ballard Library at 3:00 on Saturday to see David Levithan! If you aren't in Seattle, check here on Sunday for photos and a recap!
Hola to Suzanne!
Liz, have a blast at the Saturday event with David Levithan. I have quite a few customers who would love to attend, myself included, were it not so far away from us!
I love Liz-with-author photos! Say hit to David!
Thanks, Liz!
I've read To Catch a Mermaid, Fortune's Magic Farm, and Saving Juliet, and enjoyed all of them! So exciting about the film rights for SJ!
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