Today, Vanessa reviews The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan:
"Wow. That's all that needs to be said! But for all of you reading this, I will try to put words to how this book made me feel. Carrie Ryan's first book is nothing less than an amazing success as far as I am concerned!

"Living in the aftermath of the zombie apocalypse, Mary tries to help her mother make it through the sad days after her father's turning. Constantly striving to protect themselves against the Unconsecrated is a formidable task the city lives with every day. Their gates are rattled by the fists of those who have returned from the dead, always attempting to take more victims every chance they get.
"The story opens on the morning that Mary’s mother finally succumbs to the Returned on the other side of the fence. Now alone, Mary is left to wade through guilt and fear as her mother slowly dies and then returns again, to be sent to live Unconsecrated on the other side of the fence. With no man willing to speak for her at the upcoming marriage ceremonies, Mary is sent to the all-knowing Sisterhood, living in their mysterious silences.
"The action doesn't end there, though; this book has it all. From Mary's tumultuous dealings with love forcing her to choose between two brothers, to the day that she is assured that life exists beyond the city's fences, Mary comes alive. Written in heartfelt first person, her brave voice resonates hope to the reader. When the Unconsecrated attack, she retaliates, never backing down from protecting the people she loves. When the Sisterhood gives no answers, she finds them on her own, determined to believe that life continues beyond the Forest.
"With no boring moments, The Forest of Hands and Teeth will have you grabbing scythes and spears of your own as the story comes to life, keeping you awake late into the night." -Vanessa
Vanessa, you've made the book sound SUPER exciting, which I suspected, but now I'm even more psyched to read it. Thanks!
You brought it all back to mind and nailed it, Vanessa. Thanks!
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