"The best teen book club I've found online is Readergirlz....The club is run by a group of talented teen book authors and has recently paired with GuysLitWire....The club is totally low pressure, but also very supportive and a lot of fun to participate in. It easily has the most engaged group of members I've seen in an online book club."
Thanks, Katie Zenke, Austin's Children's Book Examiner!
Props to every readergirl who makes our site so fantastic!

Hooray! It's so great to be a part of readergirlz... sigh.
Aw, nice! Thank you, Ms. Zenke and Austin Examiner!
Congrats! So well deserved!
YaY! Congrats :D
Still so encourage by this. Woot!
Hey there! You can win a Kindle with the first chapter of Jessica Bendinger's new novel The Seven Rays here:
The story focuses on a teenage girl named Beth Michaels as she journeys through mystery, magic, and love. The book will be released November 24th.
It would definitely be cool to start the fall semester with a new Kindle if I do say so myself.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE U! COngrts!!!!!!!!!!!
This type of blogs is very recreational, call attention because of them you always learn something useful and not as in other blogs that are a waste of time and learn nothing. Congratulations for this blog and hopefully they are more like this, I regret to say that I've only found the Generic Viagra and this with the material of common interest!
-OMG this is exactly what I was looking for, I love all these books!
-Do you have to sign up or something?
-O.k, now I have a question!
I'm a huge reader and read mostly YA, i'm way ahead of my grade in reading comprehension, and have read so many books they are becoming predictable and boring! I need to start a new series fast, but I don't trust my judgement anymore and need some suggestions! I like fantasy, FICTION (it can be realistic), and some magic or mystery. I'm not really crazy about regular books, more like a different world!These are some of the books-series I've already read and really liked...
-The Harry Potter series (it's AWESOME!)
-Blue is for nightmares
-The Nancy Drews
-The Percy Jackson series
-The Twilight series, and the Host
-the H.I.V.E series
-the Gone series
-the Mortal Instruments
-the Infernal Devices
- the cross my heart and hope to spy series
-the diary of a wimpy kid series
-the Mysterious Benedict society series
-Dear Julia
-the Tear collector
-Dark Visions
-the Vampire Diaries
-the Hunger Games
-Jellicoe Road
-Princess Academy
-Red is For Remembrance
-Killer Cruise
-The Touch series
-Trickster's choice
-Jurassic Park
-any Carl Hobbes Thriller
-The sister's Grimm
-I am number 4
-Out of My Mind
-any book by Neil Schusterman
-My Fair Godmother
-Just Ella
-Witch and Wizard
-the Life as we knew it series
-the Pirates of the Caribbean
-enter three Witches
-Love Inc.
-I am Morgan Le Fey
-I was Jane Austin's best friend
and more!!! please give me some suggestions; anyone!
Thanks, Lola! Our recommendations can be found here along with author interviews, playlists and more! http://readergirlz.com/archive.html
I'm excited to find this site. My new Young Adult fiction book,The Cage, comes out in December. Check out the trailer at www.jacciturner.com
It tackles the difficult world of teen relationships and sex traffiking.
I love reading teen books! I would be looking forward to your book recommendations even tough I am a guy.
Hello Readers,
I am pleased to introduce myself as the proud, up-and-coming author of “HEAVENLY HELL – Hindered Happiness”, the first in my trilogy. I hope to become the next “Canadian” version of Stephenie Meyer’s “Twilight”…with a slight twist - minus the vampires, plus angels and demons. It is an incredibly intriguing love story between a teenage angel and a teenage demon! For more, check out my youtube video http://youtube/RCZCkLBrYik
I am trying to make a difference in the world by donating partial proceeds from book sales to a different charity each month. So it is NOT just an ordinary novel, but one that I hope will inspire a generation of teenagers with its powerful themes. Please purchase a copy of the novel and pass the word on!
Thank you for your support and trying to help me make the world a better place.
SNAP! AND THE ALTER EGO DIMENSION by ANN HITE KEMP is on Goodreads as a giveaway. This is a sci-fi book for teens with lots of adventure. Watch the video at: http://youtu.be/8MY6sShtvks
Thanks for sharing such a great information. It is very useful and informative.
Experion Institute, Inc.
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