Food: Kendra has a bit of a sweet tooth, so serve her favorite

Décor: Hang large sketches and blueprints of set designs. Place wooden miniature models of various theatrical sets on tables all around the room.
Movies: High School Musical, Fame, and the TV show Glee
Craft: Provide paint, paintbrushes, and artist smocks. Have partygoers paint the model sets during the party.

This sounds like a great book party, Coe!
I hope the new FAME film is decent. (Go Kherington!)
Who here watched the original film, then the TV series, then the remake of the TV series?
That picture of the box of Devil Dogs cracks me up! During my grueling "research" for this book, I had to actually eat one of those things and, man alive, they are absolutely terrible. I remember loving them when I was young though. Devil Dogs AND Yodels! I ate them all the time!
Some people aren't familiar with Chick-O-Sticks, Kendra's favorite candy. Check them out here:
They're delicious!
Um, the Fame move, then tv series and remake? Me!
The party sounds fun!
Tupac rapped about Chick-o-Sticks as I remember. Cannot wait for more FAME. Love it.
I grew up on Chick-O-Sticks. Just had them a week or so ago!
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