Today, Vanessa reviews GoldenGirl by Micol Ostow:
Written entirely in blog posts and status updates, GoldenGirl is definitely a modern story. Describing the lives of girls who would normally be upper class boarding school snobs, the blog aspect made the characters easy to understand in a way I've never experienced before with the 'mean girl' character. Being inside Spencer's head gave me a chance to learn what she was really

Neatly enough, the story doesn't end when the last page is turned, and no that's not just because book two is coming out soon - Bradford Prep continues online. The very blogs mentioned between the covers actually exist on the internet with additional information from the characters. Most of the girls even have Twitter and Facebook accounts too! Not only is the story fun to read, but it's interactive to boot.
Take a look at bradfordprep.com for a peek, then read the book for yourself.
[Adding the book trailer for fun!]:
Ack! Must read these. Next on my list!
Read the first one and loved it! Definitely put it on your list. Also, following the characters on twitter is tons of fun.
These sound fun. Very cool it utilizes the web and the books.
Go Micol! :) One of her stand-alone novels, EMILY GOLDBERG LEARNS TO SALSA, is one of our postergirlz picks for this month, to go along with RED GLASS!
Vanessa: I liked GoldenGirl and think the websites and online stuff is tres cool. I am looking forward to the next Bradford novel, Fashionista,
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