Sci Fi Wire posted about the fact that Kristen Stewart, the actress playing lead character Bella Swan in the movie version of Stephenie Meyers' Twilight, hasn't read the full series--just the first book.
Stewart's rationale is that Bella doesn't yet know what happens in the next chapters of her life, so the actress doesn't want to either. It sounds like fairly solid method acting to me, but others are criticizing her for not finishing the books.
What do you guys think?

I think she has the right to read them when and if she wants to read them and when and if they firm up plans to make the next film. She has a life outside of the Twilight film, other projects she may be working on not to mention a personal life which may not give her a lot of time to read for fun or for work.
I think that is an amazing idea, to 'grow' into the character of Bella.
As an actress, I think that's probably a very good idea. Although the upside of reading all the books in a series would be that you'd get even more hints and clues about the character herself...
yet you wouldn't want to grow into the character's future self too quickly.
hmm...I definitely think her idea was a smart one.
I think that's a great idea!
Nonetheless, she should be able to read them whenever she wants. I don't think that not knowing what her character's going to be doing in the next book will affect anything.
I think it's a good theory, but I definitely would want to read them right away if it were me =]
I feel the same way as misguided extrovert. I think it's a great idea, but I doubt that I could do it. Then again, I'm not an actress, so what do I know?
I could do it--the books are long, and I always feel a bit emotionally exhausted after them. I'm going to start ECLIPSE one day soon. I think.
It's an interesting way to go about it. I don't think she has to read the entire series to act in the first movie. But what surprises me is that she hasn't had the ending spoiled for her. Surely she has heard?
I don't get why people would criticize her. Her reason is a good one, and seriously, I don't think she even would have to read the books at all if she didn't want to. I think that if I were an actress, not knowing the book would probably help me with making a better movie, just because I wouldn't be focusing on what was changed or missing.
Well, she's the actress playing Bella so she can play Bella the way she feels like it.
I think it's a good idea that she's not reading the other books yet.
On the Twitter updates, it says Kristen Scott, but it's suppose to be Kristen Stewart. Just a little mistake I noticed.
Makes sense to me. It comes to mind of all the people who don't read the books in the first place. She should get credit for at least reading the first. :-)
Changed to Stewart--oops! Thanks, Pretty!
I think she knows what works for her as an actress. Her reasoning makes sense. I personally devoured the first three in just a couple of weeks.
It is a great idea. Shows discipline.
I echo the others who say she has a right to read them whenever she wants to read them. And if she doesn't want to read them and is worried that fans may be offended by that, then saying it's an acting method is a great excuse. :)
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