I remember singing MY COUNTRY 'TIS OF THEE as a new American. I'd shut up for one line: "Land where my fathers died," because that wasn't true for me. But when it came to "Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing," I BELTED it out, and still do.
I don't want to take for granted rights that people are willing to die for in other parts of the world. As I head to the polls on November 4, 2008, I remember two freedoms I cherish as an American by choice.
1. I can speak my mind.
Nobody's going to drag me off to prison if I stand on the street declaring my allegiance to either Barack Obama or John McCain. I can denounce the current administration in front of the White House day and night and the police would have to protect me.
It's not like that everywhere. In Burma, for example, I'd be hauled off to prison if I wrote or spoke my support of Aung San Suu Kyi, a leader chosen by the people but sentenced to silence and house arrest by the government for over a decade now.
And what about China? Author and rgz Diva Justina Chen Headley, who is spending a year in Shanghai, informed me that even my own little blog, Mitali's Fire Escape, is banned there. Why? Maybe because I posted my support of PEN's efforts to free Chinese dissident writers.
Here in the Land of the Free, I can speak my mind, write my mind, and share my mind with others. Alleluia.
2. I can vote.
This Tuesday, I'll head to our local elementary school, register, enter the privacy of a booth, and cast my vote without paying a penny.
As always, I'll think of the heroes, known and unknown, who fought for suffrage so that an immigrant brown-skinned woman like me can help choose our President.
I used to be embarrassed because my eyes got blurry as I submitted my ballot. Now I just bring the tissues and celebrate.I know so many of you are passionate about picking your candidate, and that's wonderful, but that doesn't come first. What comes first is remembering the past struggle for freedom and giving thanks for this "sweet land of liberty." Then go cast your vote, and rant about the results all you want -- like a true American.
What are your thoughts about voting, rgz? Please keep this discussion non-partisan, and don't tell us your choice of candidates, just your reflections on our country's way of choosing them.
readergirlz is a literacy and social media project for teens, awarded the National Book Foundation's Innovations in Reading Prize. The rgz blog serves as a depot for news and YA reviews from industry professionals and teens. As volunteers return full force to their own YA writing, the organization continues to hold one initiative a year to impact teen literacy. All are welcome to "like" us on Facebook!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I Get Choked Up When I Vote
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Beautiful post, Mitali. Thank you for sharing.
I am very appreciative of my rights, and grateful to those who fought passionately, verbally and physically, to secure those rights.
I can't wait for Tuesday.
Great post! I got chills when I filed my ballot this year--it's always important to vote, and I'm even more elated for our choices this year!
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