The purpose of This Star Won't Go Out foundation is to financially assist families struggling through the journey of a child living with cancer. Caring for a seriously ill child creates tremendous stress for the family system, and having to worry about money is both burdensome and distracting. TSWGO's goal is to carry a bit of that burden for hurting families through financial gifts.
TSWGO has a second goal, and it's tied to why the foundation got started in the first place. TSWGO was established in memory of 16-year old Esther Earl, an avid Nerdfighter and passionate Harry Potter Alliance fan. Her online friends and causes met many of the social and emotional needs in her life, hampered as she was by her progressing thyroid cancer. Yet Esther (Persian for "Star") lived life fully, getting involved in social justice issues, loving her friends, her family and cats, and always remembering to be awesome. With the goal of never letting her Star go out, TSWGO will also be funding occasional projects that fit Esther's quirky, compassionate life vision.
Learn more at http://www.tswgo.org
Bookmark this DFTBA link for the bracelet designed by Alexa Lowey and Melissa Mandia. 100% of the proceeds made from bracelet sales (minus shipping costs) will benefit families of children with cancer and other efforts made in Esther's memory. The bracelet is currently sold out, so bookmark that link and keep checking to see when they restock the item.

You are missed by so many people, Esther, for you touched so many people. Shine on.
This touched me so, LW. I, too, had thyroid cancer.
Here's to the work in Esther's honor.
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