"I was never asked for, nor did I ever offer, any cover design ideas. Alloy (a book packager) came up with the initial concept for the series and the preliminary designs (hence the author name in that pic--I hadn't been hired to write the books yet!). I just figured they already had a vision for how the series should look. I'd coauthored one nonfiction project in the past and had a TON of input into how that book looked--but that was with an independent publisher and it was nonfiction. My assumption--accurate or not--was that I was just supposed to focus on the writing and let the industry veterans handle everything else on this one. :-)
"I think the first mock-up had stock images of supermodels. (I'm pretty sure I recognize at least one of them from a runway show.) But the girls who appear on the covers of FRENEMIES and FAKETASTIC and on the website were all models that were shot specifically for the series. (The dog on the website is actually my dog-niece--my brother and sister-in-law's dog, Leona!)
"By the time I saw the cover, it was pretty much on its way to the printer, so I didn't have an opportunity to comment or suggest any changes. But once I got used to the look of the cover and I showed it to some other people who liked it, I began to embrace it. I realized that the models weren't supposed to be literal representations of the characters in the book but rather representations of the concept--two best friends who become worst enemies. I do love the beachy feel of both the FRENEMIES and FAKETASTIC covers. I love the colors.
"Of course, the cover that wins--hands-down--for me is the FRENCH cover:
"I love every last detail of it: The way the girls look super-stylish (especially the shoes)--but in very different ways from each other; the fact that they look very much like they're described in the book (with the right eye colors!); the subtle destructive images of bombs and skulls-and-crossbones; the way Halley is sticking pins into an Avalon voodoo doll and Avalon is drawing a picture of Halley as a pig (even though Halley is the artist--that might be one tiny change I would have made).
"I seriously could not love this cover more. I can't wait to see what FAKETASTIC looks like--and what the title for that winds up being. I'm hoping they call it FAUXTASTIQUE! The book doesn't come out in France until June, so we'll have to wait a bit to find out all the details on that."
This is a great cover story, Alexa! Lots of drama, emotion and sparkle--just like in the books! Also, on the keyhole cover thing (you know I love me some keyhole covers), bookseller E. Kristin Anderson explains that they're sometimes evil on the shelves.
So what do you guys think of these covers? I'm with Alexa--the French ones are tres jolie!

I really feel like using the word FAUXTASTIQUE in conversation today. :)
My favorite cover is probably for "Faketastic"! I like how its cleaner, brighter, and I think it looks really nice and professional! And the style in it is something that I would 100% wear! Thanks for sharing!
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