Check Internet Anagram Server to anagram your name. What do the letters of your name spell if repositioned?
Eek! Here are four of mine out of the 1,000 I scanned:
Ever Roaring Loon (Um, probably. Depends on who you ask.)
A Governor Liner (No, idea.)
Leaving No Error (Certainly, my aim!)
Gain Novel Error (Ha! Those do happen in my writing.)
So, what are your anagrams? It's worth a giggle, rgz!
I love anagrams. LOVE.
Wow. I came up with a lot--I think I like Sesame Raw Kill best though. Kind of like a badass vegetarian sounding person.
"Name Rain She"
... sounds like the beginning to a cool poem!
One of my 55,556 anagrams is Freeholder Mint Tins.
Sesame Raw Kill
Name Rain She
Freeholder Mint Tins
I love these!
~Lorie Ann
My (pen) name is short, so there isn't much anagram love to go around.
But my favourite is probably "Ilk Icon".
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