Today, we caught up with YA author Chris Eboch. If you dig ancient myths, you should check out her books! Her most recent novel for young people is The Genie’s Gift, a lighthearted action fantasy set in the fifteenth-century Middle
East, drawing on the mythology of The Arabian Nights. Here's how Chris describes the book: "A shy heroine named Anise seeks the Genie Shakayak to claim the
Gift of Sweet Speech. How will she get past a vicious she-ghoul, a sorceress
who turns people to stone, and mysterious sea monsters, when she can’t even
speak in front of strangers?"
Chris's historical novels, The Well of Sacrifice (a Mayan drama) and The Eyes of Pharaoh
(a mystery in ancient Egypt) continued to be embraced by teachers and
young readers. Chris has also branched out into writing romantic
suspense for adults under the name Kris Bock.
Good luck with your new and future endeavors, Chris!
Thank you, readergirlz!
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