Happy 7th Anniversary, readergirlz!
It was an amazing privilege launching readergirlz with the dream-genius Justina Chen, the inter-dimensionally talented Lorie Ann Grover, and the multi-magical Dia
Calhoun back in 2007. The founding divas hit the road in the
inaugural year visiting schools and conferences, and created a unique
convergent social media home reader/author connection. More talent
joined the dynamic readergirlz team after the writer's siren call drew me away 2008.
7 Things You Don’t Know About Me
1. I lived in Sweden for a year when I was four and learned to ice-skate on the Baltic Sea.
2. Spiders terrify me. I used to make my brothers suck them up with the vacuum cleaner – this made me fear vacuuming. What if the spiders crawled back out to take revenge?
3. I’m often writing in my head even while I’m shopping. This leads to small disasters like discovering I started loading someone else’s cart when I’m halfway through the store.
4. One of my books, Wenny Has Wings, became a feature film in Japan in 2008.
5. I dream of being a mermaid.
6. I try to climb a tree on my birthday each year and remember all the important things in my life starting with my first memory.
7. My cat is a dragon in disguise.
Keep updated on my books and exploits at my website or on Facebook or Goodreads.

Hi Janet! Hug your cat-dragon for me!
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