readergirlz is a literacy and social media project for teens, awarded the National Book Foundation's Innovations in Reading Prize. The rgz blog serves as a depot for news and YA reviews from industry professionals and teens. As volunteers return full force to their own YA writing, the organization continues to hold one initiative a year to impact teen literacy. All are welcome to "like" us on Facebook!
now when you asked if anyone had been obsessed on twitter, I thought you meant obsessed with anything, not a guy. because no I haven't. now LOTR on the other hand...
I suppose most girls go through some kind of obsession at some point be it about a real life boy or even a distant popstar that they are GOING to marry... :P
As for myself, I've definitely been a victim of both of those obsessions. At least now that I'm older I can keep myself a bit more in line!
I haven't obsessed about a guy to the point of needing a shake from a friend to stop the madness. But when I fall for a guy, I fall hard. And it takes a long time to get over one that had a particular grasp on me. I've had other obsessions over the years, but if we're talking guys, no, I have not had the pleasure of being forcibly shaken by a friend to remind me to stop obsessing. :)
Aaahhh. Remington Steele. (I realize I'm showing my age here...) I would write the titles of each individual episode on the cover of my denim binder (how 80's, I know). I thought he was the bomb!
Real boy? Don't remember ever completely, over the top, obsessing about one. At least not like the faraway obsession of a TV star. Sigh. My life would have been so much more interesting if I'd found a REAL boy to obsess over!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes. Yes, I have. It was not good. It was not good for me and it probably wasn't good for the person I obsessed over. I didn't even know what was happening at first, and I really hope SHE never noticed. I am not sure if she did or not. *twitch*
I've known people who felt the same way about someone else, too. Also, NOT GOOD. Really, I cannot stress the NOT GOOD part enough.
It's fun to obsess over fictional characters, though. My favorite two are Sara Sidle from CSI and Aeryn Sun from Farscape. *swoons* Spencer Martin isn't too bad either.
I have and it was the strangest situation ever. I didn't even care about him anymore, but I constantly obsessed over why he broke up with me and then insisted we were still friends despite the fact that he never talked to me...
My boyfriend's fiancé broke up with him, and about six months later we started dating, after being friends since a few weeks after they broke up. After a while I started obsessing about her, thinking about her all the time, checking her Facebook multiple times a day, going back and reading her entire facebook history, including all her wall posts on his wall, and vice versa. I found her myspace and read every comment people had made, then my boyfriend's to see all the comments she'd made on his. After a month or two I even started going places I knew she'd be (from following her on facebook) so I could bump into her and start a friendly conversation. I never once mentioned her to my boyfriend, but I would talk about her ALL the time with my other friends, and if I wasn't talking about her I was thinking about her. I started losing sleep, staying up all night thinking about her, every time I was with his parents all I could think was "I bet you wish I was her", whenever my boyfriend would say something to me I could only think "did you say that to her too? I bet you did" Eventually my friends sat me down, told me I was going crazy, and I needed to STOP thinking about her. It's been about six months since that conversation, and I'm pretty much over her.
I've been obsessed, and I have friends who still get in the obsessed cycle. I try to distract them, but it's rarely useful.
I think guys get obsessed too but they don't talk about it as much so it doesn't show...
Me? Never! I just like to refer to it as my 2 1/2 year crush.
I like to sit on and shake people, even if they aren't obsessing over anything.
I have never obsessed over another girl, but I was a bit obsessed with a boy when I was a freshman in high school. It was the first time a boy that I liked had ever shown that he might like me back. I would show up early to places I knew he would be, take illogical routes to class to pass him in the hall. One time I tried to trip in front of him so he would help me up but all I managed was a weird lurching motion and he didn't notice at all.
I finally got over my obsession when he asked another girl to the homecoming dance just a half hour after nearly kissing me (and thank goodness he didn't because then I would have to live with that kiss as my first one). I also started looking at him more critically and realized he was actually a pretty big jerk. After that I was cured of obsessing over boys.
Yep. I just keep it in my head, so my friends aren't aware of the need to sit on and shake me.
The thing is, I'm aware of my level of obsession, and therefore do things to keep it in check.
I so used to obsess over guys. It was the track I often ran. Now, it's perfectly fine to obsess over my husband. :~)
Ha, Andy r-p! I, too, am obsessed with LOTR. But I would definitely obsess over boygriends in the early god-hero part of the relationship. I thought that meant I was in love.
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