Here's how it works: Send an e-mail to Megan at meganwhalenturner AT harpercollins DOT com including your mailing address and a description of how you will share the book if you receive a copy (through a blog or by sharing with a friend or librarian or anyone!).
The first 20 emailers will receive a paperback copy of The Thief with the understanding that they will somehow pass it on to a new reader after they've read it.
Sound good? Good! Now get to emailing Megan, readergirlz!
****UPDATE: Megan has well over 20 entrants now, so the winners are chosen! (But if you just want to say hi and tell her you love her books, I'm sure she's still open for that.)****

OK, if you haven't read this book, you must. It's so good. Definitely one of my all-time favorites. The entire series is a feast of story. What a great contest!
You can thank Kasey, the first comment on my post about loyalty for inspiring this contest. She got her copy of The Thief from a contest just after the YA Fantasy Showdown a few months back.
I was so pleased to see old readers making new readers, I thought we should give out more books.
I'm so glad my comment inspired this contest! I've discovered so many great books because I've won them or read about them on book blogs and this is a book that definitely needs to be shared. I actually just lent my copy to a friend of mine and he loves it!
I Love that Kasey inspired this contest. Thanks to Megan for the generosity!
Melissa, thanks go to my wonderful editor at Greenwillow Books.
Contest is closed now. I'll let people know if they have won and the ever efficient Greenwillowites will send out the books.
Yay for contests! Thanks, Megan!
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