Dear Rest of the Country: KEEP IT UP!
I had a feeling Rebecca would be an amazing speaker, and I was not disappointed. Wow, is she.
First, she read a couple of bits from WHEN YOU REACH ME. Then, she had what was basically an in-depth conversation with a roomful of people.
We got to hear about Rebecca's writing process (solitary, then with feedback from trusted friends and lots of hard work), her childhood encounter with Madeleine L'Engle (a shy hello and a signed book that she still has!), her favorite thing about WHEN YOU REACH ME (the freedom to explore Miranda's weird inner world), how difficult it is to learn about time travel (very!), and lots of other stuff. The night basically felt like having coffee with a very talented writer, without the coffee but with plenty of excitement buzzing in the air. I left more inspired to write, and I know other people did, too . . .
. . . like all of the other middle grade and YA authors who showed up!
The traditional Liz with Author photo was difficult to get because of the looooooooooooong line of people waiting to get their books signed (keepsakes just like Rebecca's signed book from Madeleine L'Engle!), but I did my best.
Definitely catch Rebecca if she's touring near you. Here's the whole list of cities she'll be visiting this time around.
See you soon!

Ooh, just finished this book. SOOOO good! So well done. I'm still thinking about it constantly.
Me, too, Melissa! Actually, I read it a while ago but it has stuck with me. I'm so glad it won the Newbery, if for no other reason than the staying power the award will give this great book.
It was a great night, Liz. Thanks for posting the wrap up. I was really inspired hearing Rebecca read and speak about her work. And, ohmigosh! There were a ton of young readers there with so many questions. I loved when Rebecca said that she enjoys writing for young readers because "they pay attention and they are so smart." So true!
So proud of all the wonderful young writers out their. Your books are the greatest gift you can give to the next generation.
Love this!!!
What fun. These authors all have such a good feel for middle grade fiction!
Looks like a wonderful evening! Thanks, Liz.
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