So far, people have posted images recommending books written by Lauren Myracle, Libba Bray, Laini Taylor, Sarah Dessen, John Green, David Levithan, and more. There are also, of course, Twilight references, Harry Potter mentions, and other such things. I created this example, which references the fantastic novel Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You by Peter Cameron:(2)

The blog's administrator made this variation:

Reblog this, tweet this, popularize the Twitter hashtag #ryangoslingreadsya and pick up the books that these fun images are covertly recommending.
(1) Have you seen The Believer? If not, do!
(2) I very much enjoyed the novel, and I hope the film does it justice.
This is so fun! Thanks for filling us in, LW! I wondered what it was about. :~)
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