"I was excited to learn about rock the drop on one of my favorite websites, bookcrossing.com, and I dropped a bunch of teen books today." --Kristin Fischer
Sweethearts by Sara Zarr was left on a water fountain at a park in Phoenix, Arizona.

This book is The confessions of a heartless girl by Martha Brooks. It was left on top of a display of free newspapers in front of Souvia Tea, a tea store in Phoenix, Arizona. I thought this was a particularly appropriate place to drop the book since it has a picture of a teacup/coffee cup on the cover.

Here is another book dropped in support of Teen Lit Day. You can see in the picture that the book is The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares. It was left on a display of free newspapers in front of Barro's Pizza in Phoenix, Arizona.

This was left near the water fountain by the restroom between the two girls' softball fields where two other books were dropped on the bleachers. It is Money Hungry by Sharon Fluke.

This book was left near the tennis courts at a park in Phoenix, Arizona. It is Avalon High by Meg Cabot:

The one in this picture is Troll Bridge by Jane Yolen and Adam Stempler. It was left on the bleachers of a girls' softball field at a park in Phoenix, Arizona:

This book was left on the bleachers of an adjacent softball field at a park in Phoenix, AZ:

This book was left on a bench by tennis courts in a park in Phoenix, Arizona:

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