"I had a couple of ideas for the cover--one involved wolves, shadows, and blood; the other was that it would feature the Elemental Cross, an image that plays an important role in the series. I envisioned a more abstract cover than the image we ended up with.
"My publisher did ask for input and at first we were going for the wolves, shadows, blood thing, but then they found Suza Scalora's art--she's the photographer who shot the cover--and we all loved it so we switched gears and focused on finding a model who could be transformed into Calla for the cover.
"I gasped when I saw the cover, as it was so, so beautiful. It was different then anything I'd imagined, but I couldn't love it more. To be honest I wasn't sure how I'dfeel about having a face on the cover, but Suza and the art director at Penguin, Linda, absolutely nailed it. Plus I adore the bloody calla lilies. My editor got to drip the blood on the flowers herself..."
Read the rest of Andrea's Cover Story at melissacwalker.com.

I actually saw this book for the first time last week, and my immediate thought was "OMG THAT IS AN AWESOME COVER!"
So I was happily unsurprised when readergirlz posted about it.
Sooo good. And elfarmy17, it's also a GREAT book. I'm halfway through and SO. INTO. IT.
This book is so much more than a seriously hot alpha wolf, his betrothed and the dude who has to get in between all the hotness. It's about loyalty, family, friends, love... life and LIVING...
Nightshade is PERFECT, I seriously DEVOURED this book! I read the entire thing off and on throughout the course of a day! If you haven't read it... WHERE have you been? Don't wait like I did!! Read it NOW!
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