Samara Taylor used to believe in miracles. She used to believe in a lot of things. As a pastor's kid, it's hard not to buy in to the idea of the perfect family, a loving God, and amazing grace. But lately, Sam has a lot of reason to doubt. Her mother lands in rehab after a DUI and her father seems more interested in his congregation than his family. When a young girl in her small town is kidnapped, the local tragedy overlaps with Sam's personal one, and the already-worn thread of faith holding her together begins to unravel.
Having Sara here this month has been beyond awesome. Thank you, Sara, for spending time with readergirlz!
Thank you, Sara, for being so involved in the discussions, the chat, and the entire process this month and the weeks leading up to it. Thank you all the more for writing such thoughtful characters and sharing their stories with us.
Thank you so much, Sara, for sharing your precious time with us on readergirlz this month. Keep writing wonderful books!
Come back and chat any time.
Thank you so much for visiting with us this month, Sara. I can't wait to read Once Was Lost, I really can't.
I just love the Once Was Lost cover and can't wait to read it! Thank you, Sara, for your fabulous month at readergirlz. Come back to visit!
Sara, I learned so much from you. Thank you so much for your time. I wish you all the best with your books. You totally rock!
Oh, thanks SO MUCH to all the Divas and the Readergirlz and everyone who joined in the discussions! I've been incredibly honored to be here and loved every minute of it.
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