When young girls like Grace from A Northern Light go missing, the search isn't all up to the cops. Search parties often include volunteers, too--people like you, with a passion for getting involved, a desire to help others, and endless faith in a happy ending. (Does that describe rgz or what?!)
If pitching in on a search and rescue (SAR) team sounds like something you're suited for, check out the National Association for Search & Rescue website.
They offer loads of classes and conferences throughout the U.S. to train volunteers - usually ages 15 and older. You can also contact your local police department, as many communities have SAR programs and welcome all the help they can get.
This is such an awesome service found for us by Sara Easterly. Thanks so much, Sara!
That is so neat! I think that it would make a great community service project for me next year! Thanks for featuring it!
In Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Angela Vicario is twenty years old when her family marries her off to Bayardo San Roman.
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