
Monday, March 30, 2009

March: Closing post for The Adoration of Jenna Fox

Our March Feature

It's our closing post with Mary E. Pearson, everyone! *sob* It's been such a fantastic month of discussion about The Adoration of Jenna Fox. I've pasted all the links below that we've accumulated in the sidebar. Feel free to revisit them!

Thanks to Mary for her patience as we relocated our discussions and rgz LIVE! this month. Feedback from rgz is that everyone is so happy our interactions are open to all now!

Drop your own thanks and fangirl love to Mary in the comments. Mary, know you are always welcome to hang with rgz! We heart you! Thanks again for all your time. Best to you in your writing!

~Lorie Ann

March Welcome
postergirlz recommended reads for March
How far would you go to save someone?
What are you self conscious about?
Happy anniversary!
postergirlz recommended reads
Has medicine saved your life?
What superhuman ability do you want?
Does the real you reside in your brain, heart, or gut?
Do you want to live for 200 years?
How do you define yourself?
rgz LIVE! with Mary E. Pearson
The Adoration of Jenna Fox Cover
Do you give too much of yourself?
What's your final take-away from The Adoration of Jenna Fox?


  1. Thank you so much for visiting Readergirlz this month! I'm looking forward to reading "The Adoration of Jenna Fox!!"

  2. Yay! It was a fun month <3
    Thank you Mary E. Pearson!

  3. I love your book, it's so insightful and wonderful and was a great read!
    You're an awesome writer!!

  4. I really appreciate all the kind words. You are all made of awesome. Thank you so much.

  5. Thank you SO much for visiting readergirlz this month, Mary! It was one of my favorite months and features, for sure. :) You rock!

  6. thanks Mary it's been fun and i look forward to reading your book

  7. What a great month! Thank you Mary.

  8. See that the Green Party asleep fat baby, Hogan my heart was really a bit envious Xiya the. How happy the whole family ah. Hogan She put his ear to Jin lover's cheek, said: "We in the future there will be a lovely little baby ah." Face the big boys smile: "No one is a pair of twins, two little guys have more fun." Look Look, Hogan he actually said "fun"! Fang Qing good gas and funny: "Do you want two on the two ah?Hogan You to it."

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