
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thank you, Mary E. Pearson!

Here's a big danke to the awesome Mary E. Pearson for joining us at readergirlz this month! Things we learned about Mary during our LIVE chat include:

1. She'd like to write a screenplay one day, but she didn't write one for The Adoration of Jenna Fox--Dana Stevens is writing that one!
2. Mary's favorite writing spot is outdoors.
3. She's working on two books right now (HOORAY!).

We had so much fun with all our new formats this month! Thanks for being adventurous, Mary!

PS-Breaking News: Mary's next book, coming in September, is titled THE MILES BETWEEN. Mary says, "It is about Destiny Faraday and three classmates who take off on an unauthorized road trip in search of one fair day. They all have secrets but Destiny's secret is one that she fears will bring the whole day to a horrible end. It is a larger than life type of story about chance and coincidence and how it weaves unexectedly into our lives. It is a VERY different story from JENNA!"

We're psyched!


  1. I am definitely buying "The miles between". I've read about that book and I'd love to read it.

  2. Me too, Silvia! How great does it sound?

  3. The Miles Between looks great! I"m going to order Jenna right now w/my Amazon GC. Thanks for a month of great posts!

  4. I love road-trip books! Ever since On The Road I always take a look at this genre:)

  5. Once again, I thank the readergirlz divas for taking me up on my recommendation of The Adoration of Jenna Fox. I am so pleased that we shone the spotlight on Jenna and on Mary this month.

    The Miles Between is very good. I won't say more until I post my full review of it at Bildungsroman, so keep your eyes peeled over there. :)

  6. I have heard so much about this book, I really need to read it!!

  7. Books sounds awesome and I will for sure buy it when it comes out! woohooo!

  8. i would like to read it

  9. Sounds great! And that cover is stunning

  10. Thank you, Mary, for a great month of exploring your book! Wishing you all the best.

  11. I really want to read The Miles Between and I am in love with the cover.

  12. Thank you so much, Mary! I'm excited to read what you write next.

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