The book itself is a nest of treasure with rich imagery, lyrical language, metaphor, and winged flights through the city of Florence. Nadia is trapped in theft, a loss of words, and a loss of reality while she repeatedly loses consciousness during her family's relocation in Italy. And there is a boy, a boy whose hair glows, who leads her through the streets of Santa Croce, and there is a best girlfriend, who will give all to find him again for Nadia, never losing hope for her.
Keep this one in mind, readergirlz. You'll have a wait for its release. But isn't Beth always worth it?
One Thing Stolen
by Beth Kephart
Chronicle Books, April 7, 2015

1 comment:
Hey and thank you so much for this. The first official nod to this book, as far as I know, and SO appreciated! Thank you.
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