
readergirlz is a literacy and social media project for teens, awarded the National Book Foundation's Innovations in Reading Prize. The rgz blog serves as a depot for news and YA reviews from industry professionals and teens. As volunteers return full force to their own YA writing, the organization continues to hold one initiative a year to impact teen literacy. All are welcome to "like" us on Facebook!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Reach Out: Amnesty International

Since 1961, Amnesty International has made a world-wide effort to stop the abuse of human rights. In their own words, Amnesty International is "a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all. Our supporters are outraged by human rights abuses but inspired by hope for a better world - so we work to improve human rights through campaigning and international solidarity."

Want to start up a chapter of Amnesty International at your school? Check out the Student Center at the Amnesty International website, where you may register your AI student group and receive an activist toolkit for your group. (We think Trickster's Choice protagonist Aly would have been a fan.)

For more information, visit amnesty.org.


Lorie Ann Grover said...

Awesome opportunity and connection to Trickster's Choice/Queen, right?

Melissa Walker said...

Yes, I've always been a fan of AI!

Sam said...

My school--a pretty small town in the midwest--just created a chapter of this club. It's great-and I love the Tamora Pierce reference. :D

Tamora Pierce said...

I'm really glad to see this in the wake of the UN report: The Gender Trap: Women, Violence, and Poverty. (There's a link to an article about it on the main Amnesty page, the one talking about pressing the UN for a new Women's Agency.) There is growing awareness about the plight of the world's women among humanitarian workers, but not among ordinary people, where awareness needs to be spread.

I'm really glad to see that readergirlz has connected with Amnesty International, which is doing so much good work for women and girls around the world at a time when they are in real trouble!

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