
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

rgz Newsflash: Support Teen Lit Day and Rock the Drop!

Hey rgz,

Just a quick update on our plans for YALSA's Support Teen Literature Day, April 14th, 2011. You know we have ALWAYS orchestrated Operation Teen Book Drop since we began in 2007. Because this past December we teamed up with First Book in A Novel Gift, and helped with the donation of 125,000 YA novels to underserved teens, we are shaking things up a bit.

125,000 books to low-income teens!

This year, we are refining our focus and simply encouraging rgz around the world to drop a YA book in their own community to celebrate Support Teen Lit Day. Why not make this the annual honoring effort? Imagine people around the world finding copies of the best literature in unexpected places, gifted out of love for YA lit. Everyone can participate to raise awareness of the day!

Soon, we'll have a banner for your sites and a bookplate for you to download and glue into your donation. We'll have other fun details as well. Watch for all the upcoming info, and be ready to ROCK THE DROP!

LorieAnncard2010small.jpg image by readergirlz


  1. I so love leaving books out for Rock the Drop!

  2. LOVE this....I will actively push this in my community through my library. What an awesome thing. Already linked on facebook....waiting for the bookplates and banners.

  3. Sadly, my videographer (aka husband) won't be around this year on the day of, so we'll have to make do with still photography - but I can't WAIT to rock the drop!

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