
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Not That Kind of Girl: Passing Judgment

Siobhan Vivian's Not That Kind of Girl is our featured title this week, and in her guest post on Monday, she wrote the following:

"One thing I really wanted to impress upon my readers is that making a 'mistake' doesn’t mean that you are a bad person and are not deserving of respect. I think we, as a culture, are so quick to judge. We expect girls to be perfect, to never make mistakes, to always be smart and rational and make the right decisions. I’m sorry, but that’s just not possible!"

Have you ever been quick to judge someone else? A friend, an acquaintance, or even maybe a celebrity or someone in the public eye?


  1. *sigh* Always, always, something to deny, right?

  2. I do it a lot, too, LA. Lately I'm trying to think, 'Okay, how am I LIKE the person I'm judging?' because you know how it's often you being annoyed by something you yourself do? I try, I try.

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