
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Drop a Banned Book on Thursday!

The latest list of banned books is out from ALA, and it includes all of the titles pictured below. Why not put one out in the world on Thursday for Rock the Drop and make a statement against book banning...


  1. This is the first I've heard of And Tango Makes Three. Love it, I'm totally going to read it ASAP.

  2. Oh my god, And Tango Makes Three is the most adorable book ever.

  3. Isn't always shocking to see what has been banned?

  4. A note to the general audience: So many wonderful books get challenged. Don't let the "banned" banner deter you from reading them. Make up your OWN mind about them - and keep fighting the good fight for good books, and keep sharing them! :)

  5. Honestly, I have to admit I find the "Banned" label a selling point for me. I'm more likely to pick up a book I don't know if I find out it was banned or challenged. But then I've always been the type to do what I was told not to. :)

  6. I try to buy any of the top 10 banned books that I haven't read already and I devour them (they're always great--I think that's a requirement for being on the banned list). :)

  7. I'm with Patrick! The "Banned" label peeks my curiosity. I must head to the library to check it out/request it immediately & find out what made it so "bad" to get that label.

  8. I think I'll buy every book on the list that I don't already have. I read Twilight was banned because of it's religious viewpoints. Who comes up with this nonsense.

  9. Banned books always seems to be really good. I've read at least 5 of those books, and they were really great!!! Not many books get banned in Canada though. XD

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