
Friday, March 18, 2011

Rgz Street Team: Sarah Reviews The Sweetness of Salt by Cecilia Galante

The rgz Street Team is a group of teens who bring YA reviews to our blog, led by Postergirl Miss Erin. Find out more.

Today, Sarah reviews The Sweetness of Salt by Cecilia Galante:

From the publisher: Julia just graduated as her high school valedictorian, has a full ride to college in the fall and a coveted summer internship clerking for a federal judge. But when her older sister, Sophie, shows up at the graduation determined to reveal some long buried secrets, Julia's carefully constructed plans come to a halt. Instead of the summer she had painstakingly laid out, Julia follows Sophie back to Vermont, where Sophie is opening a bakery—and struggling with some secrets of her own. What follows is a summer of revelations—some heartwarming, some heartbreaking, and all slowly pointing Julia toward a new understanding of both herself and of the sister she never really knew.

"I could relate to Julia really well. I have always been the overachieving sister who tends to be less dramatic and always wondering about who exactly my sisters are and also if what I am doing is right. Sophie was also amazing and I loved her strength. I could feel their emotions and fears about what was happening. The plot of this book was really entertaining and exciting. I liked that their were a ton of secrets within the book that kept me engrossed. I found this contemporary book to be very enjoyable..." --Sarah

See Sarah's full review of this book on Sarah's Random Musings.


  1. Love the sound of this book--thanks, Sarah! And that cover. So spring!

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