
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cover Stories: The Scorch Trials by James Dashner

James Dashner's The Scorch Trials, a companion to his novel The Maze Runner (shown below right), came out in the fall. Its dramatic cover was designed even before he'd turned in a draft of the book! Here's James to tell the story:

"For this cover, I always envisioned a bleak, menacing vision of the wasteland known as the Scorch, which is exactly what it ended up being. My publisher wanted to design a cover before I’d even turned in the first draft, so my editor asked me for a detailed description of what I think the cover scene should look like. I wrote about a paragraph or so for the artist, Philip Straub, and he did that scene that ended up on the cover...

Read the rest of James's Cover Story at Unabashedly Bookish, on

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