
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rgz NYC Host: Keepin' it Jersey Fresh!

Italics in the post are from me, Liz! I'm here to usher in your rgz NYC Host, Micol, who's here to report!

Take it away, Micol!

Last Sunday, I had the distinct honor and pleasure to be invited to the Metuchen, NJ library’s ribbon-cutting ceremony for their brand-spankin’ newly-dedicated teen section!

There were balloons, cookies, and lots of smiling readers – not to mention a very festive purple and green color scheme, which I loved. But perhaps most impressive to me was what I learned about librarian Katherine Liss’ Teen Advisory Board:
They lobbied for the teen section all on their own. And they made it happen!

As I told the teens during my post-ceremony book talk, growing up, I was a voracious reader. Had there been a Teen Advisory Board at my local library, I bet I would have joined it. These teens were a chatty bunch, wanting to know all about what sort of advice I’d give to aspiring writers. But the truth – which I told them – is simply to keep doing what they’re doing.

They obviously love books – enough to want their very own dedicated section in their local library, a space to call their own. They’re obviously serious about writing (not a few took notes and even exchanged emails after the fact). And they’re obviously the type of kids who Get Stuff Done.

I’ve done several school and library visits since I first began writing professionally, but I confess this was my first high-falutin’ ribbon-cutting, with fancy local officials and everything. Maybe it was the extra spark of celebration in the air, but talking about PUNK ROCK with my brother David and an enthusiastic audience, an audience that really knew – and appreciated YA literature - felt like some of the best kind of “work” a teen author can hope to do. It’s hard to believe I have to go back to the keyboard now....

Micol and David, brother & sister co-conspirators in bookish wonderfulness!

Thanks so much for having me, Metuchen – keep up the good work (and the reading)!

Micol also has somethin' big coming up on her personal blog:

All this week, she'll be hosting a bash with authors from the Puffin Students Across the Seven Seas (SASS) series of books, to celebrate the release of a double-length edition that Micol co-wrote! Go over to her blog for awesome Q&A's, plus book giveaways!


  1. Congrats to the library, librarians, and patrons on their brand-new teen section, and to the collective Ostows on their awesome books. :)

  2. Oohh, new teen section! Love that the board got it done. Nice.

  3. Thank you, Micol! Awesome teen power! So glad you could share it with us. And loved seeing you and your brother!

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