
Monday, April 26, 2010

April: Do You Listen to Your Second Thoughts?

Featured author Deb Caletti says, "Aunt Annie talks about second thoughts, how 'second thoughts should be promoted.' Have you ever had second thoughts you didn't listen to?"


  1. I definitely trust my instinct. If something feels or seems wrong at first or second glance, it's wrong.

  2. Sometimes my second thoughts send me the wrong way though. Just yesterday, Justina and I were totally lost, driving up and down and around and back and forth. Thankfully, we silenced our second thoughts and found our way. Ha!

    Maybe second thoughts are a little more trustworthy when you aren't tired. :~)

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  6. The older I get the more I listen. I am a lot less cautious of those second thoughts than I was when I was young, must of been the mother figure who knew how to make me always feel guilty.

  7. for me its like on both sides.
    i have those second thoughts i should have listened to(like when thinking i forgot to pack something then just pushing it aside,when really i did forger to pack it).
    and yet there are those times where i keep having those second thoughts to the point if i don't shut them up i will fail tests and what not.

  8. I almost never listen to my second thoughts. Probably because I think through every decision to death so by the time I finally make one I can't even let myself go back to indecision-land for a second. I think that's something I should try to change about myself, being open to exploring other options even when I think I've made a choice.

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