
Friday, April 16, 2010

Diva Delight: Blue Slip Media

Right before TBD, we were partying it up with industry peeps.

First, Mitali Perkins came to town and the rgz got together at a tea house to chat it up.
Left to right: Martha Brockenbrough, me, Mitali, Jackie Parker, Janet Lee Carey, Holly Cupala, and Dia Calhoun.

We talked industry and all things rgz. Thinking about moving the chats to Twitter. Any input, anyone?

Then it was onto a cocktail party with Robin Cruise who was hosting the delightful ladies from Blue Slip Media, Sarah and Barb. They offer such a great marketing service to authors. Definitely check their site out! (Barb was a supportive contact for our first TBD back in 2008!)

Third, we went to the SCBWI Conference Drinks Night, which was absolutely lovely. So much energy!

Between parties and TBD 2010, I'm ready for a writing retreat! Anyone else hoping for one?

My website


  1. Maybe create a poll re: chats, something that easily allows people to vote for either Twitter or CoverItLive?

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  3. I loved meeting the Blue Slip gals at the conference - they were terrific!

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