
Monday, July 20, 2009

July: Friends Who Are Different

Cecil says, "The Janes don't seem like they are going to be friends at first, because they are so different. Do you have friends that are very different from you? What do you love most about them?"


  1. Most of my friends are taller than me, certainly. That's not difficult, nor is it surprising. :)

    In all seriousness, though, I do appreciate how varied people are, how many talents and personalities and expressions there are in the world.

  2. agreed. I love what all people bring to the table.

    it's kind of like a stone soup.

  3. Okay, LW. Most of my friends are shorter. :~) And more extroverted.

    I'm thankful they are so different. I can't imagine it any other way.

  4. We just had a party the other night, and it was really amazing to look around and see people from all parts of our lives, everyone vastly different and intriguing in all kinds of ways, coming together. I love learning from them.

  5. Lorie Ann: I fit your friend description, then. *grin*

    Holly and Cecil: YES.

  6. I've known my best friend since my first day at college. We are polar opposites and I think it's the differences that have kept us so close over the years.

  7. I'm a lot more shyer than most of my friends, but I love how they always encourage me to try new things I probably wouldn't do on my own.

  8. My best friend is SO different from me in many ways. She is a real free spirit and always wants to do crazy stuff that I would never choose without her. It's a bit of joke with us now, but she's brought so many experiences to my life because of this quality. Now I think that's what I love most about her.

  9. It takes a certain amount of maturity to make friends who are different from you. Their beliefs, if different from yours, can feel threatening if you are not well grounded in your own self. I've learned that the ways in which my friends are different from me broaden my own perspectives.

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