
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Celtic Tales: Kate Forrester

Celtic Tales Cover

Everything about Celtic Tales, Fairy Tales and Stories of Enchantment from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, and Wales calls to be held, read, and visually absorbed. The design is simple but beautiful. Kate Forrester's imagery is beguiling. I've awaited this release with images from the catalog taped to my wall. In the sophisticated art, there's a refined simplicity. The Celtic tales themselves are fresh and surprising.

This is a beautiful pick to gift someone for the holidays. Just be aware:

"Do not think the fairies are always little.
Everything is capricious about them, even their size...
Their chief occupations are feasting, fighting, and making
love, and playing the most beautiful music."

~William Butler Yeats, Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry.

Celtic Tales
illustrated by Kate Forrester
Chronicle Books, 2016
LorieAnncard2010small.jpg image by readergirlz


  1. I just added this to my Christmas wish list!

  2. These are unusual stories that capture the feel of England, Wales and Ireland with language and beautiful artwork that incorporates elements of the story in the details of the wood cut. I highly recommend the book to those looking to share their Celtic heritage with their children.

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