
Monday, April 28, 2014

Rock the Drop Recap (third time's the charm)!

We just keep finding these amazing snippets from folks who rocked along with us on April 17th, and we have to share!

A "found" tweet - we love these!
maggz (@nogginquest)
@JenniferBrownYA @MCPLMO @readergirlz Thank you Jennifer Brown! We had a very excited Patron find your gift. It was a joy to see her joy.

This email about a group effort from a team of debut authors: 


My 2015 YA debut author group, The Freshman Fifteens, had a blast participating in your even yesterday. We have a blog post about where we left our books, country wide.

Thanks for creating this initiative!

Lori Goldstein

Here's a great video of a true readergirl dropping over 30 books in her hometown! Love it!

Thanks, everyone, for rocking out with us! We love all of the enthusiam and the updates!

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