
Monday, January 6, 2014

Crossing Genres: Donna Jo Napoli and Melissa Walker

Sometimes we hear of those in the publishing industry who dissuade authors from writing in different genres. As if YA readers don't read various styles of storytelling. YA readers do, and so do YA writers. Therefore, writers like the freedom to crossover. We choose the best genre to tell our story. Because ultimately, it's all about good story.

I'm happy to share two books by authors writing in different genres than they usually do. The first is Skin by Donna Jo Napoli. I did expect fantasy when I picked up the work, but then quickly entered into Sep's world as she discovers she has vitiligo. The realistic work is paced well as Napoli draws us alongside Sep. We feel compassion, frustration, and ultimately empathize with a character accepting her new self and redefining normal.

The second work is by our own rgz diva, Melissa Walker: Ashes to Ashes. I expected a contemporary work, which, true enough, the story begins with, but the paranormal afterlife caught me by surprise. (I don't tend to read flaps. :~) Melissa's setting is fresh and will draw you to think and ponder your own beliefs. That is of course after you've run with Callie through her trial, been pulled and torn through her decisions, and cheered her character growth. And as always, Melissa writes of real, compelling love. My favorite quote: "Life is fragile, worthy of reverence and gently care." Great thoughts for the new year!

Find these, rgz, and let us know what you think, here or on facebook. Happy new year!

LorieAnncard2010small.jpg image by readergirlz

by Donna Jo Napoli
Skyscape, 2013

Ashes to Ashes
by Melissa Walker
Katherine Tegen Books, Inc. 2013


  1. Donna Jo Napoli is one of my favorite authors, will have to go find this book!

    Melissa's sounds great too, of course. :-)

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