
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cover Stories: Take a Bow by Elizabeth Eulberg

The fantastic Elizabeth Eulberg is here to share the story of her latest cover. Take a Bow is told in four points of view (so hard!) and I've heard only raves about how awesome this book is (MTV's Crush gave it a standing ovation). YES! Also, the cover is blindingly eye-catching, no? Here's Elizabeth:

"I usually don't start thinking about the cover until I'm almost done with the book. I didn't really have a clear idea of the cover until I had the title (the book was untitled for awhile). Then once we settled on Take a Bow as the title, I automatically envisioned a cover very similar to the final cover. It's really freaky how in sync the book designer (the fabulous Elizabeth Parisi), my editor (David Levithan), and I are. We've been on the same page for all of my books. Just the other day, I told David my thoughts on the cover for my next book and they were already mocking up covers with the exact same concept - scary! The only difference between my idea for Take a Bow and Scholastic's was that I was picturing four people 'taking a bow' to reflect a key scene in the book, but I think the one person is more dramatic and personal.

"I really don't like having faces on covers of books, it's just a personal preference I've always had..."

Read the rest of Elizabeth's Cover Story on

And read about her newly redesigned paperback cover here!

Congrats to Elizabeth on her new release, Revenge of the Girl With the Great Personality! Read her amazing twitter #GreatPersonality roundup.


  1. I enjoyed the book. I'm an actress, a singer, and a songwriter, and I'm passionate about musical theatre, so of course I had to read this!

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